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A Momentary Glash


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Walked into Riverwood just after sundown. Deep, heavy shadows as I'm running with


a realistic lighting mod. I go over to the Smithy to recruit Glash as a follower...the non-


essential version. Got sidetracked momentarily on some gear maintenance. Glash


knocks off for the day and heads up the street to the Sleeping Giant for a brew or


two. I've just stepped off to follow her to the inn when I hear a cry of pain followed


by a thump as of something heavy hitting the ground. Then there's a war cry and I'm


assaulted by a Bandit assassin. After taking care of that little annoyance I light a torch


and walk up to the inn, at which point I discover Glash stretched out on the ground at the


foot of the steps. Lol! Shortest lifespan of a follower that I've ever seen. Too bad really,


as I'd been entertaining the idea of matrimony. I kinda like the one-eyed 'ol gal. She's


one of the few follower mods that really looks like she's lived a true Skyrim existence. Ah


well, so it goes. Skyrim's a tough place to make a living.



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