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Making a custom weapon


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I have a problem making a custom weapon in Fallout 4. I made the mesh and used Nifskope to edit it,so i can put it in the game. And it works,kinda... The biggest problem i have is the gun isn't a one whole mesh,but it's split apart because of weapons modifactions,i want to make that work aswell. When import it,it gets all screwed up,nothing is in the right place. I can make it work if i eyeball it,but im wondering is there a more accurate,better way to do it. I can't understand how to work those BS connect points children/parent. I know the basic jist of it,but how to manipulate it,nada..


Like the barrel is the right spot,the reflex sight is way off,and so is the gun slide. Also the handle is a bit off.


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As this post is kinda old you may have already found a solution, but in the off chance I'll attempt to help you. I don't know what you used to convert your mesh from (insert your format here) to a .nif, but from what I've found, exporting the mesh as a .obj and then importing into body-slider and outfit studio (remember to uncheck smooth seam normals) and using that to convert to a .nif seams to keep everything in place. It's likely you'll need to rescale and rotate your mesh but this'll be fine as you can copy and paste the same settings for each part and expect them to be in the right place. Another thing I have noticed (relatively new to modding so sorry if some of this is old news) is that when using sperate ninodes inside of nifsckope can screw with your positions of parts so i would attempt to set the ninodes ahead of time when everything is still together. (assuming your using a template .nif from a preexisting weapon.)

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