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Bromjunaar mods not working


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Hi! I am having issue and need some help. Every Bromjunaar mods that I install don't work. Here they are:





So everyone of those mods do the same thing to me: I load the game (with cbbe and armor packs or without them) put the mask on from out of Labyrinthian and nothing happen.


First I installed it with MO, then manually, then I deleted my Data folder and replaced it with a copy of the untouched Data folder and reinstalled only the Bromjunaar mod. Each time nothing. I am running out of idea there and don't understand why this mod doesn't work.

Also, I tried making a new game and give me the Wooden Mask (with player additem 00061cca 1 in the console) as soon as possible and it didn't work either.


Three things that might enlight you:

1- The first time in installed one of the linked mods up here, when I loaded my game, an error message telling me that some item may have been deleted from my game or something like that appeared.

2- Some mods only work when I launch the game from MO (so I always do)

3- My game isn't official.


Thank you for helping a desperate poor guy who have item management issue and need that kind of safe heaven.

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Well I forgot just one word: 'yet'

I just had not the money to buy it right now and wanted to try if I liked it or not before spending money on it :wink:

I'm of those who think that way: not enough money to afford buying a game realising you don't like it and never touch it again. So I hacked it to see if and I like it so I'll make it official during February or March (depends on my life priorities) ^^

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