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Population Mod and faction wars


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Population Mod

Okay, what I am requesting is not game breaking but it sure annoys the hell outta me, there's barely any people in skyrim!!!!!! a population for a settlement like Solitude is what max 50 people? They call that a city the capital of Skyrim, when I first walked into Solitude i was expecting hussle and bussle in the capital but what i was met with was a ghost town. What iI would love to see is someone create a mod that adds more civilians to the world. To add the population in ciies and settlements and actually see them walking around doing things like the mod in Oblivion. More travelers on the roads and more people in inns and such. This would make Skyrim more lively and immersive experience if the population increased. Imagine weaving through the crowd a settlement up and about.


2) Faction wars

Well, this also baffled me, the Imperials and stormcloaks always talk about the wars and battles going on yet when travelling through Skyrim nothing happens but bandits and animals. Wouldn't it be awsome if you travelling on your horse and you spot a random battle between stormcloaks and imperials or bandits against imperials and such. Random faction battles

If someone could also create such a mod it would enhance the experience and make the idea of a civil war much more vivid.


I am aware that the creation kit is coming out and it would be a lot easier to make these mods. I'll try it out myself


If anyone is up for the task it would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure there are some other that would agree with me.

Edited by Drell1912
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