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quicksave and autosave errors


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Not sure if this topic's been addressed, but I couldn't find a corresponding thread.


I am running the Steam download version of Morrowind. Recently, fairly recently after downloading the Morrowind Patch (1.6.4) which at first worked fine, both my quicksave and autosave files stopped working. One is a flat grey screen and the other is a flat orange, and my location has been changed from the places these files were actually saved in (I am suddenly in two different forts). I still have access to the corner map, and right-clicking and pressing 'escape' still gives me menu screens. Controls are sluggish but movement shows on the map. I cannot interact or use a recall spell (probably no other spell as well). I've tried backing up all my savefiles and reinstalling the game, fiddling with installed mods, and upgrading MP to 1.6.5beta. Other savefiles are fine. What is going on?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Odd about those various issues. Though I agree about completely avoiding autosave and quicksave, you shouldn't be having the problems you are with the Patch. Be sure it loads directly after your ESMs, date-wise. If you have Wrye Mash, that's easy to set up: you just change the date/time stamp on the Patch to be the earliest of all the ESPs you run.


You should also download the Morrowind Code Patch. It complements the Morrowind Patch Project you've already got, and deals with a range of issues that remove saved game corruption. If your current saved game is crippled, that might help.


Finally, do consider Wrye Mash. It has several controls to remove further instances of game corruption in saves, as well as a ton of extra features.

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