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Copying spells/perks from one mod to another.


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Essentially I don't need these spells and items to show up in the lists but addable by console. The issue is they come from Perkus Maximus and I will NEVER abandon Requiem for it. I only want to copy the spells and perks to either a patch or into Requiem itself. Sadly I can't find how to do this in any tutorials and my modding skills with TES5Edit are woefully inadequate to do this.

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I would like to know something similar, the only difference being how to copy an armor from one mod to another. One mod has a mesh/model I think is cool the second mod doesn't have. Only, the second mod has scripts I want to remain and not mess with. Essentially, I want to merge the mods with all the nifs and textures from both available.

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