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Any Word On The Creation Kit?


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Can't wait to see what mods they'll make with it. I might even make something myself although I've never moded before :dance:


edit: Why ignore the Steam Workshop? Why not upload to both?


It basically boils down to a confusion and lack of trust regarding the contract details with "Skyrim Workshop" and the CK. Many people believe, with some logic, that they are not in a position to understand all the ramifications of licenses that they agree to when they click "accept" when installing the software, and believe that they are going to in some way require other people to pay for their mods, or will have Steam or Bethesda making money off their work without any recompense.


But this way they shoot down something Bethesda has worked on for months. Isn't that what they have been doing? Getting Steam Workshop work directly with CK?

Also about paying for mods. People are paranoid, no way Bethesda or Valve will do that. Mods for Team Fortress are free right?

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Can't wait to see what mods they'll make with it. I might even make something myself although I've never moded before :dance:


edit: Why ignore the Steam Workshop? Why not upload to both?


It basically boils down to a confusion and lack of trust regarding the contract details with "Skyrim Workshop" and the CK. Many people believe, with some logic, that they are not in a position to understand all the ramifications of licenses that they agree to when they click "accept" when installing the software, and believe that they are going to in some way require other people to pay for their mods, or will have Steam or Bethesda making money off their work without any recompense.


But this way they shoot down something Bethesda has worked on for months. Isn't that what they have been doing? Getting Steam Workshop work directly with CK?

Also about paying for mods. People are paranoid, no way Bethesda or Valve will do that. Mods for Team Fortress are free right?


Valve already did that very thing with TF2.


There's also so incipient anger with regards to delays that the community believes were likely caused by that very integration.

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@ babis8142 & @ Lachdonin



Did you guys even bother to read the numerous posts regarding steamworks policy?

There has been numerous topics and justified regarding why people don't like the idea at all!

Bethseda did nothing to counter or ease the community suspicion regarding the policy! Which is even worse!


If their policy wasn't dodgy as it is people would have a different stance.

Sure any competent person can see some benefit to it. But that policy removes all good things to it!

Saying to have a stance rejecting steamworks will hurt the community is pretty rich. How did you think the community grew and lasted for so long?

Change is good but not like this is what we all are saying!

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@ babis8142 & @ Lachdonin



Did you guys even bother to read the numerous posts regarding steamworks policy?

There has been numerous topics and justified regarding why people don't like the idea at all!

Bethseda did nothing to counter or ease the community suspicion regarding the policy! Which is even worse!


If their policy wasn't dodgy as it is people would have a different stance.

Sure any competent person can see some benefit to it. But that policy removes all good things to it!

Saying to have a stance rejecting steamworks will hurt the community is pretty rich. How did you think the community grew and lasted for so long?

Change is good but not like this is what we all are saying!


And have you paid any attention to the fact that all those complaints regarding Steamworkshop revolved around the EULA, which clearly stipulates that it is only relavent to Valve products, thus meaning all the complaints are moot? We have absolutely no idea what the specifics of the EULA for the CK's involvement on Steamworkshop will be, and trying to stir up the hornets nest about it with absolutely no supporting information is fear mongering, plain and simple.

Edited by Lachdonin
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@ babis8142 & @ Lachdonin



Did you guys even bother to read the numerous posts regarding steamworks policy?

There has been numerous topics and justified regarding why people don't like the idea at all!

Bethseda did nothing to counter or ease the community suspicion regarding the policy! Which is even worse!


If their policy wasn't dodgy as it is people would have a different stance.

Sure any competent person can see some benefit to it. But that policy removes all good things to it!

Saying to have a stance rejecting steamworks will hurt the community is pretty rich. How did you think the community grew and lasted for so long?

Change is good but not like this is what we all are saying!


And have you paid any attention to the fact that all those complaints regarding Steamworkshop revolved around the EULA, which clearly stipulates that it is only relavent to Valve products, thus meaning all the complaints are moot? We have absolutely no idea what the specifics of the EULA for the CK's involvement on Steamworkshop will be, and trying to stir up the hornets nest about it with absolutely no supporting information is fear mongering, plain and simple.


Are you a lawyer? Cause I'm not. Skepticism in the face of correctly believing yourself to be at a disadvantage is smart, not foolish.

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@ babis8142 & @ Lachdonin



Did you guys even bother to read the numerous posts regarding steamworks policy?

There has been numerous topics and justified regarding why people don't like the idea at all!

Bethseda did nothing to counter or ease the community suspicion regarding the policy! Which is even worse!


If their policy wasn't dodgy as it is people would have a different stance.

Sure any competent person can see some benefit to it. But that policy removes all good things to it!

Saying to have a stance rejecting steamworks will hurt the community is pretty rich. How did you think the community grew and lasted for so long?

Change is good but not like this is what we all are saying!


And have you paid any attention to the fact that all those complaints regarding Steamworkshop revolved around the EULA, which clearly stipulates that it is only relavent to Valve products, thus meaning all the complaints are moot? We have absolutely no idea what the specifics of the EULA for the CK's involvement on Steamworkshop will be, and trying to stir up the hornets nest about it with absolutely no supporting information is fear mongering, plain and simple.


Eh it's not stirring fear it pointing out facts m8 difference...

If only one complained you may had a point but it's far from that...


Nor do I have the power as a single person to ignite a mass fear in the community...

Most have their head well on and able to see what is true and not. So no issue there!


You can disregard it as harmless but proven time and time again it's the opposite...

But fair enough you have your stance and got my stance. I'll not continue to you on this matter before it becomes a flame bait war...

Which wasn't my intention. It was just informing you...

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Valve already did that very thing with TF2.


There's also so incipient anger with regards to delays that the community believes were likely caused by that very integration.


Well on second thought Team Fortress 2 is a different matter; that game you can play for free and they charge for mods. That's how they get the money from it. But isn't Bethesda responsible for charging money for mods? I don't think Valve can charge for Bethesda's game mods

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Valve already did that very thing with TF2.


There's also so incipient anger with regards to delays that the community believes were likely caused by that very integration.


Well on second thought Team Fortress 2 is a different matter; that game you can play for free and they charge for mods. That's how they get the money from it. But isn't Bethesda responsible for charging money for mods? I don't think Valve can charge for Bethesda's game mods


Not always. When I bought the game (a full three weeks before it went F2P...) they were still charging you on both ends, and had been doing so for some time.

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Ok, lets look at an example, because people clearly aren't getting this...


Let's take Dark Horse Comics. They are a multi-franchise publisher which works with hundreds of different writers, stories and authors, compared ot Marvel/DC who own their own universes in which they publish.


Anyway, if an author goes through Dark Horse to have a comic published, they negotiate the terms of the contract. There are going to be similarities between contracts, yes, but there is no reason to beleive that your contract is going to be identicle to the last guys when you go in.


Similarly, here, the ONLY piece of evidence regarding the terms of using Steamworkshop is a EULA pertaining, specificly, to Valve products. This has been used, time and time again, as 'Proof' that their going to charge for Mods, that their going to steal ideas, that their going to put a stranglehold on the modding community, etc. Again though, the terms ot the EULA specify that it only applies to Valve products. That means it's relation is only superficially relavent when considering the CK.


And don't go taking the 'I'm just one guy, i can't stir the pot' route. The fear has already been fed by poorly informed people for the last 3 months, it just takes one person to light the fire again. You yourself acknoleged that people have been worried about this for some time, despite the fact that there is nothing to substantiate their concerns. Bringing it to the front again is just asking for this to turn into another "Valve is trying to steal our Mods' thread.

Edited by Lachdonin
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