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Any Word On The Creation Kit?


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Oh Bethesda - as much as I do enjoy your games, I knew you were biting off more than you could chew with this one. Building a new patch AND releasing the CK on time? Tsk tsk, you knew it would be either one or the other being on time, not both.


But, you know what Bethesda? I still love you guys, especially since you put up with me and everyone else whining about the CK being late. We flame because we love you guys.


As for me...well, I'll be playing Morrowind. Feel free to drop me a wizard from the sky when the CK is released, Bethesda. I'll be waiting patiently. :3


No, they didn't bite off too much, seeing as the CK would have to have been technically finished by game release, Steam integration held it back. Also, this "i'll do anything for you [insert game developer here], even if you treat us consumers as kids" attitude saddens me. We need to behave like people whom have paid for a product, not bend over and let Bethesda, well, you know...


That's it :)


When a cuzstomer calls the User Help Desk for his sotware in the Company, well.. calm the waves, don't try and give him details. Chatter chatter bwah bwah.


The like the Software, they need the software.


You think , guys, there are other games ? Ok.. there are. Are they this ... addictive and moddable ? Guess not.


So, tell me ,again, who is in advantage in this "battle for CK" ?

Well, even if they do not bring it out soon...

The will lose "some" gamers, including me, but, do you really think they care ?


Skyrim was made more simple than Oblivion. They scratched the complexity into small parts of paper, all in all.

Was it the HC-Gaming- and Modding-Scene who cried for this ? Nope.


Again : It's all about Console-s***, all about Steam-s***, and all about money to earn.


Bethesda is no "buddy". Not at all. No Game Company is. (Except Runic Games maybe xD ). Ok...there miiight be sum exceptions.


But not THIS BIG.

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"They've already got the best they could find" huh?


We dont know that. If the best they could find dont know bout compiler flags, nor has any idea bout coding decent shaders that dont poop out after a few dynamic lights in screen, then maybe they didnt searched too much...


It sort of annoys me how much leniency game companies get.
We, as video game consumers, are a stupid bunch IMO:


- CD Key? No problem.

- Connect to server for activation? Okay.

- Permanent connection? Im on facebook/twitter most of the time anyway.

- Company gets paid twice if the game is sold used? Sure, i almost saved 10 bucks there by not buying it new! Glad that you were there to remind me that i still have to pay the full price somehow.

- Limited installations? Bring it on! I like to count!

- Day one patch? I got bandwidth to spare.

- Pay full price both on retail and downloadable version? Yay, equality!

- Patch two after a month? And its free? Oh you care so much for ur costumers, ur teh best develuper evar <3

- Region locked games even if you bought it from a multi national online service? Of course, otherwise i may press the Install in French button by mistake!

- 1 to 1 conversion between Dollar and Euro? Yay, equality again!

And the list goes on and on...


lol good one! You can call them fanboy or fangirl most, would already be up in arms by then.

The damage is significant curious how they will recover from this. Sacred also had a ruff start if I remeber the correct game which their first expansion was free.. me looking at a certain company....

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The way I see it is as any company they dont care for losing a couple of gamers, or even 100,000 gamers get put off.

But half of those, being 50,000 wont buy the next bugthesda game because of past experiences and letdowns the other half will come back and give it another try.


But what happens when with the next game bugthesda go:

'Well we only lost a few gamers last time, so if we do the same this time and work to our own scedule and ignore people we will still get new gamers buying the game even if we lose another 100,000'


So again lets say this time those gamers let down before see theres no change with the new game, they give up on bethesda for good.


But wait, they have new gamers coming in so that fills up the gaps right?


No because eventually a gaming magazine that is un biased or any other media source (Ive seen one or two) does a quick collumm about bethesda titled

'Second game that bethesda has let down their gamers with'

Who is going to willingly go and buy their games, as it stands now its only with one game, Skyrim, but if it happens again Bugthesda could get themselves into trouble

Over the next few years they will start to get a bad reputation (like steam has, I rarely hear any good news about it and ive had my share of problems too)

It might not be today, or next year......but maybe in 5 years if they get a bad reputation for letting down, steering away from deadlines and making false promises more and more people will start to leave their games behind. Not to mention their competiters.

Even if just one game company makes a top of the line RPG in 5 years time, whether this 'other' company keeps their promises or not, gamers are going to be looking to try other companies anyway.


I can see it now, they are already losing customers, everyone I know who has Skyrim have already expressed their doubts as to whether future Bethesda games will suffer the same fate as Skyrim.

My verdict:

Yes if bugthesda think they can get away with it again and sacrifice customers in the short term, they will do it again

I cant see them spending all this effort on something that wont make them any money back, somewhere theres going to be a catch as after all this time, working over time and paying wages let alone production costs of the CK......they will be starting to lose money soon if not already, unless of course that is in fact the problem.

Maybe bugthesda employees just dont want to work on a program like the CK, as its not actually earning them any money at the moment. Sure they get paid, but as an overall company they wont get any benefits from it at this point unless people buy the game from this point on, if it had been released with the game many more people would have flocked to it seeing its potential, but now its in danger of just fading into the mist as 'another' game

Edited by thelonewarrior
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they are already losing customers

And everybody will buy the new TES games when it comes. We all know it.

They lose nothing.

if it had been released with the game many more people would have flocked to it seeing its potential, but now its in danger of just fading into the mist as 'another' game

A game which have housed most people a good 100 hour and more. It's also 100% singleplayer.

As of now, only 3 other games have given me that.

It will never be a "another game", since it both gives awesome gameplay and it gives a beautifull enmviroment.


The toolkit is not what gives most the sales. The toolkit is where the modders stay on the game for years, and random gamers try out the mods once in a while. Nobody buys Skyrim for the toolkit -- that is just idiotic. Cryengine, marmorset, UDK and the toolkit from Oblivion is just as good. People buy Skyrim for Skyrim, and they got what they paid for.

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Morrowind Was a Lot Better Game had better and stories and quests! AND That's Way "We NEED the CK" To Make this Game BETTER to give it Better Stories, Better Quests, Better Graphics, Better Armor, Better Weapons, Better Looking NPCs, Make it More Immersive, Better Cities Biger, This Game NEEDS a Overhaul! The developers Did Not Give us this, (The developers Made this Game to make Money!) So Give Us the CK and let us Make the Entertainment!


P.S. I'v Been Playing this Game for Over 280 Hours, But i keep starting over and over because the beginning is a Lot Better then the END! "NOW WAY IS THAT?"


And I love Skyrim to DAMEIT!!!!!!!!


Thank You!!

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they are already losing customers

And everybody will buy the new TES games when it comes. We all know it.

They lose nothing.

if it had been released with the game many more people would have flocked to it seeing its potential, but now its in danger of just fading into the mist as 'another' game

A game which have housed most people a good 100 hour and more. It's also 100% singleplayer.

As of now, only 3 other games have given me that.

It will never be a "another game", since it both gives awesome gameplay and it gives a beautifull enmviroment.


The toolkit is not what gives most the sales. The toolkit is where the modders stay on the game for years, and random gamers try out the mods once in a while. Nobody buys Skyrim for the toolkit -- that is just idiotic. Cryengine, marmorset, UDK and the toolkit from Oblivion is just as good. People buy Skyrim for Skyrim, and they got what they paid for.



ummm really? I bought the game based on the fact it was supposed to have a CK

My best friend bought it on the same assumption.

Almost every gamer who I know bought it because I told them, there going to be a CK on pc version and I showed them mods for oblivion and they were blown away (as console gamers who knew nothing about mods)

And they were like 'wow that will be the best game ever made if we can make our own content'

They never would have bought the game if it was just another RPG that was going to be played to death in a few monthes, they wasnt even going to get Skyrim before I told them what the potential was for it.


Without the CK, Skyrim will just fade away.

Its not idiotic.

The same with fallout, sure they are unique in the fact you can explore etc. But once you have done all the quests people lose interest.


Really so your saying that if bugthesda decided to treat all their games this way and not care that they wouldnt lose money and customers?

Your saying if they continue to break all their promises and release broken patches which that everyone will follow them blindly for all eternity?

No thats wrong, this is how companies go into bankruptsy, maybe not tomorrow or next year but one day they will not have the reputation they had.


Its like steam, most gamers hate it with a passion (again every gamer I know doesnt want it) but because its a requirement and im NOT going to get an illegal copy of the game just to get rid of steam.


What im saying is, steam has this reputation, If I could legally remove it and not use it I would, but thats not the case, im forced to use steam despite it annoying the hell out of me.


But bethesda is another story, if in 5 years bethesda become known for half assing and not caring and get the same reputation as Steam, I can choose not to use their company and its legal.


My point its, im stuck with steam, but not bethesda.

If everyone I know that has Skyrim has the same opinion as me, its unlikely im the only person in the world who bought the game because I could mod it, I only buy games that are moddable so what? Im creative and like to spend time making an already great game even better.

So I like to get my money's worth theres nothing wrong with that, What I hate more than anything is buying a game and completing it in a couple of days and never playing it again (granted skyrim was more like 3 monthes but still)


Your right more customers will buy the new games, but the old ones wont if they think its going to be as problamatic as this game.

It wont happen instantly or overnight, but like i say im not the only person who is going to think when the next game comes out:

'I remember the problems the last game had, im having doubts that this one will be any good'

Those doubts are enough to lose customers, if someone who had skyrim (like myself) sees a new bethesda game. Ill wait a few weeks and see if its buggy, if the same thing happens with that and bethesda mess up, im not going to go

'To hell with it, ill buy the game anyway'

I just wont buy the next one if I see that happening, point is they are still losing customers regardless of new ones coming in


They WONT lose customers in the short term, but when they continously mess up.........people are going to see they always mess up their games etc......it wont surprise me if the next bugthesda game I buy has no disc and a note saying' thank you for your purchase....we anticipate your game will be ready for download from steam sometime next week...'

Edited by thelonewarrior
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Your assume many are a hardcore fan and have a money tree in their backyard...

Let's not forget the people who didn't buy the regular game especially the hefty sum of collecter edition...


Can you stop saying people are complaining just about C.K. it's becoming your only one liner... it about Skyrim in general as many has mention... It's getting very old now mate. You work for Bethseda ot Steam?

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