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Wireframe Bug


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I'm getting some strange graphical effects with the latest version of Skyrim off Steam, Some creature and item meshes aren't loading, and so all I see is an ugly/psychedelic purple/blue wire frame outline with no textures!


I haven't seen this exact problem reported anywhere, though I did see creature textures replaced by solid colors. This bug is new for me, or at least I have some serious play time in and this only started happening after recent patches (within last couple weeks?). Actually, it seems correlated with the last update to fix the 4 GB issue, though I'm not sure.


I've tried deleting and reinstalling the local content in Steam and defragging, updating my graphics drivers, resetting all the user .ini files, and fiddling a lot with the display settings, but nothing changes it. It is like the textures are missing or failing to load. I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen a similar effect where textures fail to load on certain levels or with certain kinds of enemies/npcs?


Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll post more detailed info if needed.

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