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Save Game Issues!


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Is anybody else having issues with game saves disappearing, when you start a new game! For example I got a Nord character, worked him all the way up to Lvl36. Well I decided just for the hell of it, to start a new game yesterday with an Imperial, my thought process being that with the knowledge I've gained so far, playing my Nord, I could avoid some of my earlier mistakes with this character. Well anyway, despite this, I still have no intention of just giving up on my Nord game, but when I went to load up my last save with him, it's missing. I can find all his saves from lvl32 all the way back to creation at Helgen, but everything beyond lvl32 is just gone...Now I know this probably doesn't sound like a big deal to a lot of you, but I work as a long haul driver, I don't have a 9 to 5 job, so to me every little bit counts, cause it may be days, sometimes weeks before I get any layover, or rather quality gaming time, and to me that time is precious...But I do know that some of those battles getting to lvl36 were hard fought, and in some cases repeatedy hard fought, and I don't exactly relish going back to fight them all over again!...If anyone else has experienced this, or knows of a solution, that doesn't involve cheats or console commands, ( he earned everthing he got honestly.) I sure would appreciate it...
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Got almost the same thing happening to me yesterday.

I started a new character (the third since installing skyrim) and brought it to lvl 10. After that I picked up where the 2nd character I made left off (lvl34). Now when I try to load the third character again in the main menu it is gone, the only savegames I can load are from the first 2 characters.

There is one savegame in the load list from the 3rd character, but that one refers to the character creation step at the start of the game.

Is there a way to have more savegames available on load? And is there a way to sort them per character?

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