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Battle of Solitude Glitch


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**UPDATE: more or less fixed, see bottom of this post**


I've run into a few oddities, but the main and recurring one is where the city is constantly overrun with hostile Solitude guards, even after Tullius has been killed at the end of the siege.


One problem is that Legate Rikkae isn't the only NPC in the final room with the general (or whatever his name is). I've looked at numerous videos on the glitch and there are always only 2 NPCs in the final room: Tullius and Rikkae. The 3rd NPC is Legate Adventus Caesennius and he's apparently essential. So even after Rikkea and Tullius are dead, he's still alive and he still attacks me, Ulfric, and Galmar. I can't attend when Ulfric speaks to the Stormcloaks (which I believe begins the "Liberation of Skyrim") and I'm constantly hit with waves of Solitude guards.


Anyone have any ideas? At the very least what can I do to "deactivate" or remove Adventus from the equation? Console: "Kill" just knocks him into a crumpled state for a minute or so. Then he's right back in the action, even after everyone else is dead.


This glitch really sucks.




Okay, I think I got it fixed, at least for my specific experience with this glitch. In case anyone's interested....


Basically to smooth things out you'll want to make Jaree-ra (the argonian) and Caesennius non-essential so they stop interrupting dialog or mission progression. This of course means that they will die permanently if you kill them, but as far as I can tell that doesn't really matter To do that, open the console and type...

setessential 000844b1 0
setessential 0001328d 0

The first code is Caesennius and the second the Argonian.


After entering the above console commands then killing those two NPCs, events seemed to unfold as they should have. I didn't see Ulfric give any post-siege speech, but I figured I can deal with that. Hell, maybe he doesn't really give a speech. I don't know. Point is I can continue with my game.

Edited by toastysquirrel
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A few other things that seem pretty weird during the siege, which may or not be a glitch are:


  2. Galmar, Ulfric, and my character are the only Stormcloaks within the city during the attack, even though there was a crowd outside the city listening to Ulfric's speech.
  3. The argonian Jee Ra (or whatever) participates in defending the city and is still Essential. He's even around after killing Tullius and remains aggressive.
  4. There are passive villagers within the city during the siege, walking around having "normal" conversations, and of course commenting on the occasional dead guard body.

These behaviors don't seem "normal" for the game. If no one has a work around for these bugs, what console command can I enter to pick up the Stormcloak's quest immediately after the battle? So I can listen to Ulfric's post-siege speech?

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