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NPCs stopping their scripts when you are in the same cell


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So apparently NPCs never go to sleep when you are in the same cell...which means that if i sleep in the fighter's guild, all the members are still wide awake at 2 am.


Same thing happens if i wait outside a shop. Shop owner doesnt sleep, i cant rob the shop.


This pretty much ruins any attempt at burglary or vampire feeding...is there a way to mod this?

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They will go to sleep when you are in the same cell, but in my experience sleeping or waiting seems to freeze the cell you are in. Also, certain AI packages are set to never end as long as the player is near, but usually that only affects shopkeepers.

So basically, you will have to watch them go to sleep, because waiting will simply freeze them.


Im not sure if that is completely accurate, but those are my observations.

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Is there any way to disable the freezing?


Because even if i stand around at 2 am(After waiting), guild members just walk around but never seem to go to sleep.


Ive also noticed that it doesnt complete freeze the cell...if i enter the fighter's guild at midnight when nobody is around, and i wait, people will walk in during the morning....

Edited by Question2
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No way to disable the freezing.


Walking around and never sleeping? Im not sure what might be causing that. What fighters guild is it? Or is this problem a little more widespread?

The only thing I can think of is a mod has messed around with either the beds or the NPCs in the guild.


Also, the cell will only freeze while sleeping/waiting. When you enter game mode again, people may enter or leave the cells

Edited by WarRatsG
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Lets say i enter the fighter's guild at 12 pm. I wait till 2 am. Everyone is still walking around, awake, and they dont go to sleep....


It happens everywhere. E.G. If i wait outside a shop till midnight, and i go into the shop 5 mins later (real time), the shopkeeper is still standing at the counter instead of sleeping.


Ive noticed sometimes NPCs "teleport" while waiting though....they dont take any time to enter the building. They just appear inside.


Edit : Tried this again at castle skingrad. Waited at the entrance hall till 12 midnight. Waited till 3 am in real time. Broke into the lord's manor and both the count and the maid are standing at their beds, refusing to sleep.


Edit 2 : Waited outside torbal the sufficient's house for him to come back. Saw him enter the house. Waited a couple of minute sand snucked in.


He was NOT sleeping. He was just standing at the door.


At this point im pretty sure NPCs dont even move after they enter their own house unless the player is there to see them do it....

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I think you have a mod problem. The actors in your game are not behaving like they do in other people's games. In my game, I can walk into rooms where everyone is sleeping. If I wait in a room where people are sleeping, they might get out of bed and immediately look for another bed or the same bed to go back to sleep in. In my game, sometimes I want to talk to an NPC about a quest, and I will have to catch them right before they climb in bed, or else get them up out of bed to talk to them.


If you are a CS user, you might create a conflictor mod which edits the AI packages of one of these problem NPCs, and then run it through the OBMM old conflict detector to see which mod might be causing the problem. Otherwise, you might do systematic deactivation of large groups of mods with play-testing in between to narrow it down and finally isolate the one bad mod.

Edited by David Brasher
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