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Infamous bugs


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Hi, i have a various problem in skyrim and maybe anyone would kindly help for the solution

- enter and exit bannered mare

the screen freeze while loading but still hear the tavern music and NPC voice dialogue, i tried use console command to enter the tavern it's working but when I'm exiting the bug still occured even so I still heard the dialogue between the battle-born and gray-manes

- skyrim cannot launch from steam launcher
when click play it's not launch at all but keep back to launcher menu, the only way I can play is to launch skyrim from SKSE shortcut (SKSE from the silverlock web not the steam)

For this problem I've already try the possible solution from the other like not using any mods (except SKSE and alternate start), verify game file, etc

Help Welcomed http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png

*sorry for the bad english

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