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Hey, you're naked!


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You can only be actually naked in Skyrim if you modded the game. And if you modded the game so you could get your protagonist naked, you've got other problems. Why would the guards give you a fine?




Looking at the symmetries of a female body induces our primal instinct to evaluate the potential quality of procreation. Nothing could be more normal or healthy.


It's been proven that Men gain improved health just from looking at the naked female form. Good for the mind, good for the body, be it virtual or otherwise it still stimulates these senses.


I'de say you have the problem.

I wonder if the same holds true for women looking at the male nude form.

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I wonder if the same holds true for women looking at the male nude form.



Good point. Any girls out there wish to comment on this lol?



I have often wondered this myself. I have never had the inclination to research that far into it. If i were to guess i would say yes.

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