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what are you looking for in an overhaul mod? *brainstorming*


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hi folks


I'm interested in hearing from you , what are you looking for when trying to find mods that overhaul your game

what specific features are more important to you , and what are you looking forward to seeing in the future


for me , i'm usually looking for interesting perk overhauls , and gameplay overhauls that remove the bullet sponge concept from enemies , while making the game more brutal

things that i'm looking for now are mods that make animals spawn with more meat , in a sort of realistic way (know of only one such mod) , mods that make enemies use their ammo\grenades so they can't shoot forever , and also mods that spawn food and drink items on humans at least , as they also need to eat and drink


really interested in hearing from you , and maybe sharing suggestions for mods that we each may enjoy , depending on what we are searching for


thanks in advance , and have a wonderfully modded 2017


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Well I think he means something like the Frostfall mod for Skyrim, or all the eat/drink/sleep mods for skyrim, or clothing overhauls and so on, but I am still without inspiration to that question (because so many things are already in the vanilla game or exist on the nexus).

Edited by taryl80
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rewrite the game? i wish i could......


this was meant to be a discussion , but i guess few even saw this


as for what i'm planning to do , it depends if i really get the time to try modding

but most of what i suggested shouldn't be too hard to do

adding items to leveled lists isn't really difficult , so i should be able to learn how to do so

enemies using ammo has been done before , so i can look at how it's done and remake something like this

different perks and such are more difficult , but with quite a few mods doing so already , it can be done with enough time and knowledge


I do want to get a different experience from the game , as it got real old real fast , and i rather dislike many of the design choices done for FO4

so maybe i'll try to take the time to try and improve the game , but this isn't the intent of this thread

the intent was to hear what people felt was missing from the game , so that maybe people may be able to recommend specific mods to others , as there are many hidden gems on the nexus

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Thats a bit more clear...


What I would like to see is...


More content to EXPLORE .

Better or should i say more realistic interaction with npc's.

Expand the npc's idle chatter lines with a lot more than "hey have you seen that farm run by ghouls? ".

Maybe even have them tell you a joke at a random time...for example.

Give settlers more random jobs /actions on the fly so that they all ways appear to be busy..like maybe feeding a brahmin or petting a dog even...


There is so much to add to this game i think the possibilities are endless...


As a first choice i would want MORE content like locations,quests etc...


Being a location mod author with several mods ive all ways found them lacking in the end because all ive done is change the appearance of an area but once populated its the same old thing over and over....

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More to explore is always fine, but be warned: Especially interior design can be time wasting like nothing else. I am sure, the bethesda worlddesigners have spend there most time on doing this^^. And what I can say, many people miss a real bad enemy in Fallout 4.


Like the Enclave, or the Legion. Many factions in the commonwealth are also evil, but the most of there evil actions is left to the imagination of the players. I mean, as example, the Institute (they have kill people, destroy towns, take slaves, run experiments on random people but you never see something of that [just read in some terminals] compared to fv:new vegas as example there you see the legion burning down a town, putting people on crosses and so on).


Edit: So a mod that brings the legion or enclave back to Fallout would be really interesting, I think.

Edit²: With a good and lorefriendly story of course.

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to Greekrage


maybe you should give this mod a try: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8704/?

it adds quite a few new quests , and some more locations to explore

obviously i would recommend more mods like this , but there aren't that many quest mods done for FO4

although I haven't tried Maxwell's world yet , i've heard it's quite amazing , so maybe you should also give that one a try if you haven't: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18949/?

I do hope that quest mods will arrive in the future , as there are many amazing creators on the Nexus , and there are plenty of amazing quest mods for FO3\NV\Skyrim


as for making settlers look busy , i know that there is a mod that allows you to craft work stations for your settlers: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9710/?

this doesn't add more dialogs and such interactions , but it makes them work , and actually produce something , so they are actually useful , so maybe this would work for you


more locations are of course interesting , though aside from Beantown , I don't know of any really good and extensive mods

you can find that one here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4612/?


to Taryl80


I don't know of any mods that would bring the Legion to FO4 , but there is one that would bring the Enclave currently in the making

you can find it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21009/?


It's still in a rather early form , but it seems like the author has some decent plans for the future , so hopefully he will deliver a wonderful one


I don't know about you , but i was rather annoyed when your character couldn't really do any evil deeds (not really evil ones at least) , and yet Nuka World sort of forces you to do some rather evil stuff , although again not really

so I do hope to find mods that allow some evil deeds in the main game , or something that may change Nuka World , though I doubt there will be many of the former , and probably only one of the latter , which is this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18121/?



hope the two of you found some interesting mods you've never heard of , and I would like any recommendations that you may have to give :smile:

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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There is also a "Miami Fallout" in work or something like that. I don´t know the exact name but keep an eye on the Fallout 4 image section. A guy from this mod often post there images from the progress he have done. It looks promising and maybe he search a helping hand - i don´t know - but if yes and you have time... :wink:


I working by myself on a mod and that means I often do testruns in Fallout 4 and because of that I am actual not willing to install something into my fallout that change many in the commonwealth (because you know, for testruns it is best to run just the vanilla game). But I can tell you, if I reach 1 day the time there I "just" play Fallout 4 I would be happy if then there a lot of exploration/quest mods like maybe your linked enclave mod.

Edited by taryl80
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I get you

and yeah , I saw some images of that project , but it seemed like it's in really early development


there are probably many projects in the making , and at least some manage to stay under the radar unless you keep an eye on this site on a daily basis , and even then you can easily miss some

so it's all about waiting and hoping , unless you plan on making something of your own, like in your case


would love to hear about what you're making , so if you make a thread about your mod , i would love to get a link to it

it's always nice to have another good thing to hope for :smile:


also , you can use Mod Organizer to have two profiles of the game , one for your mod testing , and another for simple gameplay , so you can combine both if you have the time for it

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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Well. I working on a follower mod (and http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19445/?) and the follower comes with her own landscape and story. With the next update the landscape will be more as 40 exteriors cells (currently are 16-18) and 12-14 interior cells big (currently 4). The story have to do with the Legion on some way (no spoilers here :P) and for more information you can check out the mod-mainpage and my update posting in the comment section.


As you can imagine, I work more in the ck on my mod, as to play fallout 4, but that seems to be a common modder illness (when I think of many other modders with which it is as well). But do not be deterred now - it is wonderful to work on a modproject and see it always growing and growing more.

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