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what are you looking for in an overhaul mod? *brainstorming*


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i would like to see a settlementsystem overhaul.

like being able to raid or vassalize dlc settlements and basicly all settlements like castle and the airport, vault88, echo lake lumber and so on

being able to build everyhing everywhere, like artillery in far harbour or at raideroutposts

send settler to raider outposts and raider to settlements

connect raideroutposts with minutemen settlements via supplylines

maybe when you first activate a workshop, a messagebox (similar to the nukaworld redrcket)would appear asking for which faction you claimed that settlements(bos, minutemen, railroad, institute, nukaworld raidergang)each making them spawn settler specific to said faction

and all this kind of stuff

you know, making the game feel more complete


but this might never get made, cause it sounds like a lot of work

i try doing it myself, but me, noob as i am, asking alot of questions, getting few to none answers, may not be able to

Edited by tawatabak
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