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PLEASE HELP - Flashing/Flickering outside


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Hey all

Would be great to get any info on this if possible


Am using latest enb series with air enb and purity etc and required lighting mods. Same setup I have always used but since yesterday after a fresh game install and mod installation (All prevoius mods were uninstalled first and game removed properly) I am getting crazy yellow/green & red (Am colourblind) flashes and going off and weird screen flickering on loading screens. It's only happening outside too and have no idea whats causing it as im using the same mods i always have and have had no issues in the past.


Only new mods are birds of skyrim and some weapon/armour ones but even disabling those I get the same issue.

Could creating a ningheim character to play as cause this? Saying that even loading up a save with a non ningheim character gives same issue


All aa and effects are off and the prefsini has everything set to how it should for enbs - floatpointrender=1 etc


It looks like it starts during combat too if that helps


The only thing I found online similar was this


But he fixed with new drivers and disabling crossfire but Im on a GTX 1070 with latest drivers installed!


Just curious if this has been seen before elsewhere as its driving me crazy



Edited by jayjayd83
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