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Cancerous Enemies and possible new cancer plague?


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I been thinking a while but i do not have ability to add new enemy textures and scripts so i ask here
make it possible to add cancer system in game when you drink too much alcohol your cancerous cells are start to awaken for human npcs it is deadly but for dragonborn it is both deadly and great

Enemy stats:

Cancerous Plague Victim 1
Level 1-81
HP 200-4400
MP 100-1100
SP 100-2200

In combat constantly lose %5 hp per second until combat ends also increasing attack and defence points
Can not adapt

Cancerous Plague Victim 2
Level 1-81
HP 200-1100
MP 100-500
SP 100-500
In combat constantly regenerate %0.5 hp per second (out of combat health regen %1)
Can adapt to enemy attacks making diffucult to kill

For example when you frost magic attacks he/she can adapt to damage and make it immune to that kind of damage until fire attack it breaks the chain and it adapts to fire damage instead while losing immunity to frost

Cancerous Plague Victim 3
Level 1-81
HP 500-11000
MP 250-2200
SP 150-1100

In combat lose %5 health per second until combat ends or killed
Can adapt enemy melee attacks by %50 (not fully immune because it will be too op)(sword/axe/hammer) no elemental adaptation

Cancerous Plague OverLord
Level 1-81
HP 500-12500
MP 250-2200
SP 500-12500

In combat regenerate both health magic and stamina by %1 per second
Can adapt both elemental and melee attack has ability to see in dark so hiding will be useless
Can adapt to 4 elemental attack instead of 1 but only %50 immunity

As for dragonborn

%50 less health
%50 less health from food drinks potions
%20 increased melee damage
%20 damage reduction
Lose %1 Stamina per second until combat ends when stamina fully depleted it drains health instead

as dragonborn absorb dragon souls this negative effects can become positive effects also make it so you can adapt like enemies as well

Is it possible to make such system ?

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