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How to fix adoptable Braith?


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Let me elaborate a little bit.

Other modders have this problem, too: for some reason, Braith thinks her parents are dead and she's asking to be adopted.

I go to TES5Edit, but being inexperienced, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I look in the following part:


Skyrim.esm \ Cell \ Block 3 \ Sub-Block 6 \ 000165AB <WhiterunAmrensHouse> \ Temporary \ 0001A66B <BraithREF>


I check what BraithREF is referenced by. I see BYOHRelationshipAdoptable. So my first instinct is to delete it. But doing so comes with a price: I want to adopt Lucia. But when I delete BYOHRelationshipAdoptable from Braith, it gets rid of Lucia's "Perhaps I could adopt you" option in her dialogue. Whoops.

So I uninstall and reinstall the game, and I don't know what to do. How do I remove Braith from the Adoptable Faction permanently without affecting Lucia or any of the other orphans.

Right now, I'm directly at the BYOHRelationshipAdoptable area:


HearthFires.esm \ Quest \ 03004291 <BYOHRelationshipAdoptable>


And I see BraithREF in there. But how can I get her out of there without causing a catastrophe?

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