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Low frames and GPU usage - gtx 580


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Everything maxed out

Most parts of the game I get 60 fps. However, whenever I go to a city like Whiterun, the frames drop down to around 20ish. And what I find weird is that the GPU usage is only at like 30-40%. I never see it hit 100% while playing skyrim.


Any help?

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I have a GTX 580 and get 60fps everywhere, even in Whiterun on Ultra settings with 30+ texture mods.


Download Sky boost and you will see at least a 15 fps boost. Use the R4 version.




What CPU do you have? I have a i5-2500k. I overclocked it from 3.3ghz to 4.2ghz and gained another 11 fps. Put everything on Ultra but put Shadows on Highthis will give you another about 10 fps and looks the same to me.


Turn AA and AF off in the skyrim launcher and put 8x supersampling and 16 AF in the Nvidia Control Panel. This uses a lot less FPS and looks better.


Turn off Ambient Occlusion in Nvidia Control Panel as this uses about 8fps. Make sure Power Management Mode is on 'Prefer Maximum Performance'.


Do this and then let me know what FPS you get. Measure FPS with FRAPS.

Edited by Kazekage1
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