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Mod Suggestions


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just some mods id like to see done


Black and White Unicorn mounts .. who doesent want a nice unicorn to ride white for the good guys and black for the baddies



Dwemer race .. lore sais they vanished mysteriously not died out .. suggested abilitys +10 enchanting +5 smithing, heavy armor, alteration, block, and one handed or lockpicking ( the latter goes with their engenering abilitys ) racial power - summon dwemer sphere or extra ore and gems from mining ( agian the latter seems better IMO )



Brighter/ slightly glowing gems the rubys ect in game seem dark and dull adding a bit of glow to them would be sweet



More ranged weapons like crossbows throwing axes daggers and shuriken maybe even a boomerang if it can be done right ( returning flightpath ect )



Quickslot hotkeys for diffrent setups each one having a diffrent set of 8 quickkeys first set all weapons& shields for ex second set magic powers ect



More Factions to join just ran into the Stendar followers today but you cant join them as far as i can tell making them a actual faction along with the other 7 divines orders would be great same for the Daedric lords. Other Factions could be added like the Thalmor ( even tho i dont like them ) Some race specific Factions would be neat aswell "The Brenton Consortium" "The Shadowscales" (Argonian assassins ) Sand Striders (kajhit traders/skooma bootleggers)



just some ideas that would be nice to see

Edited by Aarkon
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Another request


Split Transmute spell into 2 types


Transmute iron to silver




Transmute silver to gold


rather annoying to have to drop silver ore each time to avoid making it gold

Edited by Aarkon
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