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SkyBoost Question


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I have yet to download this mod so there is no rush but any help you can offer would be great!


I’ve heard that SkyBoost has been causing some crashing problems for users and I’m looking for some possible confirmation from more experienced users. Usually I like to download mods and test them for myself but I’ve had issues with FPS assisting mods like this in the past.


So to anyone who has or has had SkyBoost in the past… did you have any issues such as CTDs or driver errors?

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No issues here, though I've seen a handful of people post on here about CTD on startup. I believe this CTD may be related to the injection method that Skyboost (and DragonScript) use, and possibly background monitoring software interfering with the injection.


It is easily uninstalled and won't cause any problems if you try it out so there's really no reason not to try it.


I will say that early versions of TESVAL (what SkyBoost is based on) did cause some odd memory problems that resulted in broken data being saved into your character save but those seem to have been worked out. If you want to err on the side of caution a backup of your character save wouldn't hurt.

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I will say that early versions of TESVAL (what SkyBoost is based on) did cause some odd memory problems that resulted in broken data being saved into your character save but those seem to have been worked out. If you want to err on the side of caution a backup of your character save wouldn't hurt.


I had read up on that one not long ago and heard about these broken games as well… that’s what worried me. It didn’t even occur me to just back up my save lol


Thanks for the info!


I do believe I’ll try this out when I have some more time to test it but if anyone elso would also like to share their experience with SkyBoost, I would be interested to hear it :)

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I recently installed the newest version of skyboost and it has made a noticeable difference in my game. It does really seem to help and I have had no problems with ctds. I'm using the skyboost r4 from the link to the downloaders website and it seems to have fixed the ctd issue for most users. I would recommend giving it a try and if you do have any problems there are only two files to uninstall so it is super easy to delete. Hope this helps.
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