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Hit the Books


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Hey Guys...


I'm new to the forum so I apologize if this question has already been asked elsewhere. I'm sure with time I'll become more familiar with the discussions.


In any case, this is my first genuine attempt at an RPG. I started as an Orc, went to level 17, and now I've started over as a Dark Elf having learned a bit about the game from the Orc experience. But right now I'm confused about the Hitting the Books quest. I killed the Caller, which wasn't too hard, but can't find the third book. Other sites have recommended looking everywhere in the room for it since it may have been moved during the course of battle---but it's still nowhere to be found! And I also followed the advice of starting again from an earlier save to redo the battle---yet once again I can't find the 3rd book where it should be!


Any advice?? Thanks again for your patience!



Edited by Zefelius
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I'd recommend you check out the game's wiki.


which might be down today.


Thanks Skibblets... I think that may have been one of the sources I used yesterday for help---in which case maybe I'm screwed! But I'll give it another shot tomorrow to see if I can find out anything new. Thanks for the help.

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Normaly, all 3 books should be in the same room as the Caller (Boss) .


To be honest, i've never had any trouble with this quest for the most challenging part of it is to actualy get to the caller . All 3 books should be on 3 different stands in the room. If my memory is right , the stands are located to the right, the left and the back of the room . Although my memory could be wrong lol.


It's been a very long time since i did this quest so i'm trying hard to actualy remember what the room looks like exactly but regardless, the books are all in that room. If it's not on the stand then it probably got blown off by a spell during the fight as you said so just make sure to look everywhere on the floor or underneath any moveable objects in the room. It HAS to be there somewhere.


In the case where the book is simply non existant, then it's possible that the quest is bugged but i realy doubt it .

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Thanks Krawll for the extensive feedback...


I went ahead and fought her a 3rd time from a saved game and lucky for me the 3rd time was the charm. I had my gf watch the book in the center of the room during the entire fight and this time it didn't disappear. How weird: I just don't know what happened the first two times! I googled it yesterday and apparently I'm not the only one this has happened to though...


BTW, fighting her as a dark elf wasn't too hard... I used my fiery ancestor's rage and fought her with spells up close. That seemed to do the trick for me. But you guys are probably better than I am and play at a higher setting; since I'm new I keep the difficulty setting right in the middle.


Thanks again!!

Edited by Zefelius
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Hey Guys...


I'm new to the forum so I apologize if this question has already been asked elsewhere. I'm sure with time I'll become more familiar with the discussions.


In any case, this is my first genuine attempt at an RPG. I started as an Orc, went to level 17, and now I've started over as a Dark Elf having learned a bit about the game from the Orc experience. But right now I'm confused about the Hitting the Books quest. I killed the Caller, which wasn't too hard, but can't find the third book. Other sites have recommended looking everywhere in the room for it since it may have been moved during the course of battle---but it's still nowhere to be found! And I also followed the advice of starting again from an earlier save to redo the battle---yet once again I can't find the 3rd book where it should be!


Any advice?? Thanks again for your patience!




All 3 books are there, but an explosion from one of the adds might have knocked it about... As far as i recall there shallow water over the most of the room, so keep searching.

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Thanks Krawll for the extensive feedback...


I went ahead and fought her a 3rd time from a saved game and lucky for me the 3rd time was the charm. I had my gf watch the book in the center of the room during the entire fight and this time it didn't disappear. How weird: I just don't know what happened the first two times! I googled it yesterday and apparently I'm not the only one this has happened to though...



lol, sounds like a Schrodinger book.


Elder Scrolls can be like that, too. Have you read the book in Skyrim about the woman who tried to catalog a library of Elder Scrolls? It's a funny read if you come across it.

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  • 1 year later...


Thanks Krawll for the extensive feedback...


I went ahead and fought her a 3rd time from a saved game and lucky for me the 3rd time was the charm. I had my gf watch the book in the center of the room during the entire fight and this time it didn't disappear. How weird: I just don't know what happened the first two times! I googled it yesterday and apparently I'm not the only one this has happened to though...


lol, sounds like a Schrodinger book.


Elder Scrolls can be like that, too. Have you read the book in Skyrim about the woman who tried to catalog a library of Elder Scrolls? It's a funny read if you come across it.




Hi, wanted to share my expereince, lost the book too, the one in the center. Tried tcl, looked everywhere, was going to have to do the whole dungeon again... But, looked one more time... Ah, the wonder of 3D, It was on a rafter over the door behind the book stand!!! I was looking all over the floor, but it had gotten blown away, almost literally... HA!

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