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Large, New Project


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So I was looking into when they release the creation kit for Skyrim, that I wanted to make a large mod, unfortunately the details of which I would prefer to not share right now (It would be better to start working on it before announced). Another problem is that i'm more of a conceptual guy, with little Maya and TESCK/G.E.C.K. experience. I was looking for passionate modders, modelers, artists, writers, etc. that would enjoy working on a very large scale project. If you would be intrested, PM me, or check my profile for other ways to reach me. I look forward to getting this project underway, and seeing where it goes.


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It might be really difficult to interest anyone with a post like this. I understand your not wanting to disclose too much information, but there are simple questions I believe you could answer for them people:


1. What kind of mod is this at all? A quest mod? City mod? NPC mod? Faction mod? City/continent mod?

2. Are you the only one on the team for now or are there people working with you already?

3. What exactly do you mean by "very large scale"?



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I understand, I was thinking a continent mod, but expanded with a story, side-quests, new skills, models, and so on, which expands into what I mean by large scale. So far I am the only person on this "team", because i'm really the only person I know personally with skills and interest that fit into modding and game creation, plus this was the 1st site I posted an article about it on, so there really isn't a lot of people who know about it. I already have ideas, and even if someone wasn't wanting to join up, I would still be happy to take criticism and suggestions. Thank You :cool:
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You're going to be hamstrung if this is your current approach, to be blunt. You're well spoken and that goes a small way, but not enough. A lot of experienced modders fill their niche with their own ideas and find that the most fun, after all the best part about modding is the creative freedom it gives you. Asking for people to join a project like this often requires that you fill a significant role in said project (i.e. modeller with a suite of models + ideas they need scripting/GECK help with) or that your ideas are really good, because otherwise most experienced modders would prefer to pursue their own ends.


I'd advise making your intentions public, as otherwise you aren't likely to receive much support, with details regarding your ideas so that experienced modders have a good reason to consider your proposal.

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The "conceptual guy" is not a role that really exists in game development. This is a quote from a blog post by a member of Bethesda's development team.


The role of the “idea person” is a sexy one, and you’re convinced that could be you. My warning of how that’s not really a role in any creative industry go unheeded and you chalk me up as a jerk trying to destroy your dreams.


I'm not sure why you're reluctant to say what your mod is actually about. If you're worried about someone stealing your idea, I'd encourage you to take a look at this post.


Finally, I'd encourage you to start small. Unless you're some sort of god of single-mindedness, motivation and organization, the chances of pulling off an entire continent for your first mod are one (realistically zero) in a million. The skills that go into something like that are not throw-away, learn-in-a-day skills, they're skills that people perfect over years and decades and sometimes build entire careers out of.


If this new continent thing is something you really want to pursue, start (really) small and build it up. Look into retexturing a weapon, adding something to the crafting system, or swapping some armour models, and work your way up from there.


Good luck!

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I understand, I was thinking a continent mod, but expanded with a story, side-quests, new skills, models, and so on, which expands into what I mean by large scale. So far I am the only person on this "team", because i'm really the only person I know personally with skills and interest that fit into modding and game creation, plus this was the 1st site I posted an article about it on, so there really isn't a lot of people who know about it. I already have ideas, and even if someone wasn't wanting to join up, I would still be happy to take criticism and suggestions. Thank You :cool:


perhaps u should start it alone first and see how hard it gets,then ask help around

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Thanks for the help and suggestions. I have already made some mods, only one I actually published because its the only conventional, even though it was on a separate account. And I do know how to make models, just not really high quality. But as for the "concept guy" I mean that in a more general sense. Also I would be a bit more willing to say my ideas, but I feel I would go into a bit too much detail, and would require a more 1 on 1 talk and explanation. I see myself as a talented writer and mapping designer, though I probably will take your advice and attempt to start it by myself and see where it goes. If anyone is still interested in the mean time, once again, contact me.
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