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AFT Broken Follower


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Ok so I started this topic because I have looked up my problem and tried multiple fixes, but none of them seem to work in the slightest. I thought that I might be able to get a better response if I was the one being responded too. So here is my problem.. As the title suggests, I believe that this issue is related to the Amazing Follower Tweaks mod. I have had no problems with this mod working. I have been able to use it to its full extent without out issue, with one exception.


Following the events at the College of Winterhold, I wanted to take a mage or two along with me on my journeys. I managed to make short work of the quest Berlyna's Practice, and was able to bring Brelyna Maryon with me. Much later on I had come across another and decided that Berlyna could return home. (Keep in mind that AFT had been installed long before the eye of Magnus had even arrived.) So I brought her back to the college where I then dismissed her normally. Now i don't believe there was anything else special that I had done in the moment, although it was quite a while ago.


After i had dismissed her, she never left my service, but stayed at the college. If i speak to her I get regular chat options as if she were my follower without the influence of the AFT mod. I cannot tweak options, open her alternate backpack etc. I can tell her to wait here, and i can dismiss her as normal, but when i talk to her after choosing any of these options, there seems to be no effect. She does not follow me outside of the college (or inside for that matter). Her AI seems to be normal as if she were not following me, but chat options suggest otherwise. I have tried all the fixes: console commands such as, but not limited to; AI resets, disabling, and creating a new copy. I cannot use the AFT make follower spell on her (it says it is already in effect).


I have tried to uninstall the mod, but nothing changes with her. I have even tried to full AFT reset located in the in-game mod menu. I have read things saying to try the kill console command but she just won't die. I tried the setessential command but she still does not die. This is a problem I have had for years on my Skyrim save, and now it persists when carried over to Special Edition. That's all the information I can think of for now. Please let me know if you need any more. Thanks in advance to any posters.



TLDR Version: Brelyna Maryon at the College of Winterhold is broken. Chat options show up as if following, but she does not follow. Nothing I do seems to have any effect on her.

Edited by 5tu
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I recently had Benor do that, and I was unable to fix it. Ended up just letting him hang around Morthal. It never happened with AFT in Oldrim, so I'm guessing something in SSE has changed, or some part of AFT didn't port over.


That being said, with Benor, it happened right after going into Movarth's Lair, so I went from having Benor as a working follower, to suddenly having Benor outside as part of the miltia the Jarl organized. He went in with me, as a normal follower, but never left Morthal afterward. Is it possible something with Brelyna worked similarly?


The only suggestions I can think of, off the top of my head, are dismiss. Use AFT to reset the NPC. Save. Kill them. Reload the save. Alternatively, save, kill them, resurrect them and reload the save. Beyond that, I'm stumped. Sorry.

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It didn't happen during any quest related to her, so I don't think that's the issue. I wish I could provide more information as to whether there was an event or a chat option that might've caused this. I have tried all of the things you are suggesting and nothing has even shown a hint of improvement. I've tried disabling her, creating a whole other copy, and the AFT reset seemed to do nothing to her.


It might help to note that she seems to be untouched by AFT all together. Where all of my other followers have the "tweak options" chat option, she seems to only have vanilla chat options (wait here, dismiss, trade, etc). When I use the summon everyone command, she is not summoned. Still when I try to use the AFT make follower spell, it says that she is already under the effect.


Uninstalling the mod doesn't seem to change anything either.

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If she's still offering vanilla Dismiss/Trade/Wait options then it means a couple of things.
Few causes but probably:
Still in CurrentFollowerFaction
(more then likely stuck in an Alias slot other then the vanilla DialogueFollower Quest Alias slot that has CurrentFollowerFaction added to the Alias)

Maybe also:
She has not been placed in DismissedFollower faction.

Combined with:
She is still flagged as PlayerTeamate.

So in all those supposed commands you tried which your very vague about.
Did your try doing something like
Opening the console click on her and do each of these on her

SetFactionRank 0005C84E -1

AddToFaction 0005C84C 0

;Cancel Player Teammate
SetPlayerTeammate 0

If you don't want to brute foce the above..
Then maybe query those things above in the console first.

;CurrentFollowerFaction sould be 0
GetInFaction 0005C84E

;DismissedFollowerFaction should be 1
GetInFaction 0005C84C

;Teammate should be 0

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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SetFactionRank 0005C84E -1



AddToFaction 0005C84C 0


;Cancel Player Teammate

SetPlayerTeammate 0


By the Nine this seems to have done it. Brelyna is working just as normal under AFT and all. I can't thank you enough. Finally I have my mage back

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  • 11 months later...



SetFactionRank 0005C84E -1



AddToFaction 0005C84C 0


;Cancel Player Teammate

SetPlayerTeammate 0


By the Nine this seems to have done it. Brelyna is working just as normal under AFT and all. I can't thank you enough. Finally I have my mage back


Spent over an hour, trying every single solution and related commands for dimissing/respawning/kill/resurrecting, name them all. And that worked. I'm flabbergasted.


My current steward/housecarl was stuck inside my house and still ''on service'', I was 1-2 minute away from re-installing AFT(new patch) even tho, I had a doubt the npc behavior would remain the same, the damage was alrd done...


Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge !

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Opening the console click on her and do each of these on her



SetFactionRank 0005C84E -1



AddToFaction 0005C84C 0


;Cancel Player Teammate

SetPlayerTeammate 0


Bruh you just saved me from ragequitting my save. I spent the past 4 hours trying to resolve Lydia just up and abandoning me; not only that but Serana didn't have any Tweak settings when she was my follower. This just fixed everything. You're the s#*!.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, this works as a solution ONLY when Amazing Followers Tweaks (AFT) is NOT installed. If I reinstall it, nothing works, at all. For me, the issue happened when I had 3 companions (plus Barbas and that one other temporary guy that follows you to the grove of something like that, center-right of the map), then I installed some other mods, particularly

Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers - Move_it - Less Wait Time and Follow me closer Gameplay Effects and Changes 8/9/2018 19:29:45 8/9/2018 15:41:53 1000007682 1.02 / 1.02 Apogee777


Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers - AFTv166FollowCloserTweak2 Gameplay Effects and Changes 8/9/2018 19:29:43 8/9/2018 15:41:01 1000108272 1b / 1.02 Apogee777

After those two were installed, amongst others at the same time, I had the issue which, when AFT is uninstalled, can be fixed by the posted method, but with AFT installed nothing helps it in the least. My particular issue is with Lydia, Uthgerd, and Faendal (and the other two). These 2 temporary "companions" do keep following me (Barbas and the other one), as does 1 other real follower (Faendal), but Lydia and Uthgerd start walking back to their initial locations.

I'm confused as to why AFT, specifically, seems to be affected. I uninstalled all the new mods I installed just before the issue, but the problem persists, and nothing helps to fix it. It has effected ALL my saves for my character. I went back to 3 separate saves with this same character, all of which were well before I installed these new mods, and the problem persists. In one of them, specifically, I saved as all my companions were running to catch up to me, and in these saves, when I load, they continue to run towards me for a good 4 or 5 whole seconds until they stop and start to calmly walk the other way.

I've decided to start a new game and see if the problem persists. If so, then one of the new mods (likely the two posted above) seem to screw with AFT, permanently. Not so sure why, though. No other mod I installed has anything to do with companions, in case you're wondering. They were

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Edited by roflmao69edme
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