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More Spells/Shouts for Skyrim


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If anyone could make these It would be amazing...

I started with one idea but in the time writing this ive already thought of like 4 more...

SO the first.

we all know the idle shuffle dancing mod


I think it is brilliant for when you get bored or giddy... but i dont want everyone constantly dancing which is what turns me off from the mod...

so instead of replacing the idle animation I think this mod would be much better if it was a controllable, triggered event.

so my suggestion Is making an illusion, wide AOE spell or a Dragon Shout that makes everyone nearby burst into a dance for a set amount of time. the shout would be fun because you could then change what you shout to make everyone boogie down.


2. A Polymorph spell/shout to transform yourself into a dragon and fly around. (not useable in towns maybe?)


3. A Summon Horse Shout/Spectral Horse Spell... so many times I've gone to a ruin or a dungeon and my horse wasn't tied up so he runs away or gets eaten when I'm not there... hard to throw money away on them when you know that this is gonna happen. But for realism sake I would like to buy and own a horse. my idea for this was to make the shout only learn-able AFTER you purchase a horse. And make the spectral horse summon around the same price (maybe a bit more because its cooler) and available from the Winterhold College (its a spell and they have no stabes)


4. Simple Resurrect Spell

Its frustrating when your companion/wife/horse/whatever dies... (if Lydia repeatedly walks into traps why should we be to blame?)

So the idea is to bypass the list of console commands it takes to Res them and just make a spell to bring them back to life...

exceptions should probably be made for quest related deaths (I.E. Dark Brotherhood quests)


5. The Open Lock Spell!

Why did Bethesda remove this from the game!?

It was hella useful to mages in Oblivion


6. Better Alteration School spells...

There is nothing that really compels me to go into the Alteration school at all.

armor spells are neat but if thats it then im not sold... Alteration has SO much potential when you think of how it is by definition the Alteration of the physical world/laws of physics.

Some good spell ideas...

That polymorph spell I mentioned earlier or any other transform type spell.

Change time of day

Alter Jump Height/Gravity

Flying and/or Horse Flying

Slow Time Spell

Stop Time Spell/Shout ( like what the Psigic order does but used in a fight. Stop time should have a short time limit and any attack should break the spell. Might be better as a Shout or daily power so it can have a cooldown.)

Mine Ore Spell

Limited Teleportation? (not talking about across map or anything but many times i was in a cave and i was just WISHING i had an escape rope lol. maybe a bind to your House? make it not work in jail?)

Buff damage (theres a Buff Defense but no Buff Damage? too broken?)

Water Walking

More Transmute Spells... they had an awesome idea with that it would be cool to see it taken further...


This turned out being a lot longer than I originally intended... but thats it for now... feedback?

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The time control is a shout, I believe.

  • Polymorph: Yes! More please!! Polymorph could almost be its own school, learning new forms.
  • Teleport: I'm thinking something like Nightcrawler's teleportation, line of sight only, you have to be able to see your landing spot, distance increases with experience, 30-40m plus 2m per level, no perks required
  • Transmute: And ingots too! I have so many ingots, I don't know what to do with them. I think (through skse probably) you should be able to choose the source of and resulting metal when you arm/equip the spell, to keep the spell list a bit more manageable. Ingots and ores.
  • Alter Gravity: great idea. The carryweight spells are way too weak, especially when combined with the ridiculous weapon and armour weights. Real swords (European) are in the 3-5 pounds range, even for the big two handed swords (Greatsword in Skyrim) Hammers and maces would be in the 6-8 pound range, if you've ever swung an eight pound sledgehammer, you can do a lot of damage with that seemingly small weight. Especially like the jumpheight idea, Whirlwind sprint should be in the direction you're facing, even up hill (could use that for the jump)
  • Water walking: And Chameleon too! When they removed Mysticism, they also tossed half the spells from Oblivion, probably even more from Morrowind. This pandering and dumbing down for the console CoD players is quite aggravating. They obviously didn't do any play testing on the PC, beyond seeing if it would run without crashing. The mouse is almost unusable. Must have done all of it with a console controller.
  • Summon Mount: For sure! And different kinds of mounts too.

I want Mighty Magic:Reborn ported to Skyrim! I loved the magicka pool- massive and non-regenerating. I'd like to see a return to that with health too. Too much like CoD right now, no use for potions and food right now really, they're just there for leveling.

My three most used Midas spells were summon carpet, Midas touch and gold seeker.

The Oblivion Druid mod would be great in here too, great supplement to Hircine's ring.


Food and sleep mods will be released with in days of CK's release. Regen fixes closely behind.

COBL within the week.

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