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ability to lock items so they can't be sold/dropped


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I'm new to games with mods and have spent the last two weeks pouring through the site trying out everything you all have so generously made. (Thanks you so much for your time and efforts!) I don't think I've missed anything like this, but if I have, I'm sorry. What I would love is a mod that would give the ability to lock an item into your inventory until you choose to unlock it. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time not selling or dropping things I want, but I'm a doofus and keep doing it. I've got one of the inventory mods that sorts things for you, which is a great help, but being able to lock things would be the bees knees. Is such a thing possible?
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Seeing as how I just realized I've either sold or dropped my boots and have been going barefoot for I don't know how long in-game, I'm going to double my desire for a mod like this. -_-
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