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Prepping modded Skyrim save (original) for SE - thoughts please?


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Hi guys,


Sometime over the next month or so I indend to transfer my save from the original game to the SE (post SKSE release). Just checking for some pointers before doing so (FYI - many hours invested, I estimate ~70% complete, but not finished the game before so not certain, also no spoilers please!).


I am fully aware there are often issues with removing mods, that's exactly why I'm writing this to try and insure that, as much as possible, I'm taking the safest approach. If there is a problem I can always return to my old save and finish the game in the original version of Skyrim (as they're two completely separate installations) - what worries me is not realising that there is an issue until say another 20+ hours or so playing via SE and then having to go back... If there is a problem, how easy (and quick!) is it to detect?


Here's my mod list and how I currently intend to deal with them (some much easier than others, they're listed in load order):


Unofficial Patches - Do not uninstall, install SE version prior to loading save in SE.

Revamped Exterior Fog - Remove via NMM, load save in Skyrim (original) and re-save.

Further Dark Dungeons for ENB - Remove via NMM, load save in Skyrim (original) and re-save.

Frostfall - Uninstall as per instructions and re-save in Skyrim (original). Install SE version prior to loading save in SE (will wait for SKSE).

Wearable Lanterns - Uninstall as per instructions and re-save in Skyrim (original). Install SE version prior to loading save in SE (will wait for SKSE).

Sky UI (v 4) - Do not uninstall, install SE version (once available) prior to loading save in SE.

iHUD - Uninstall as per instructions and re-save in Skyrim (original).

Less intrusive HUD - Uninstall as per instructions and re-save in Skyrim (original).

Unique Bows - Do not uninstall. Recompile mod locally and add to SE prior to loading save.

Realistic Needs and Diseases - Unsure... Either remove original mod as per instructions and re-save in Skyrim (original) or leave active and install SE version prior to loading save in SE (probably former option).

Slower Levelling x2 - Unsure and essential for me... Possibly try old version and/or attempt recompile?

Ancient Crown Fix (ancient Falmer armour set) - Remove and re-save in Skyrim (original) and (if not fixed by unofficial patch), apply similar SE-compatible mod.

Hearthfire House Map Marker Alternative - Unsure and unessential. Remove and re-save in Skyrim (original) before bringing over save.

No GPS - Unsure and unessential. Remove and re-save in Skyrim (original) before bringing over save.

AOS - Uninstall as per instructions and re-save in Skyrim (original). Real shame this mod has not been ported to SE, oh well...

Sky Falls + Sky Mills - Remove via NMM, load save in Skyrim (original) and re-save. New SE version coming apparently, in which case will not uninstall.

Realsitic Water Two - Do not uninstall, install SE version prior to loading save in SE.

No Sneak Sound - Mod apparently compatible with SE. Install prior to loading save in SE.

Enhanced Galdur Amulet - Remove via NMM, load save in Skyrim (original) and re-save. Replace with similar SE-compatible mod.


Thoughts very much appreciated - Cheers!

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If you have a stable oldrim game that is almost 70% finished i see no reason for you to move it over to SSE. If i where you i would finish your current playthrough on oldrim and if you want to play skyrim again start a complete new game on SSE.


I have no experience with transfering savegames to SSE so maybe somone else can tell you about his/her experience with that, but especially in your case i wouldn't recommend it. Also there are no SKSE or Sky UI for SSE so far.


My honest humble opinion is that it isn't worth the work, because i can see no benefit in doing it. But maybe that's just my thought about it.

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Thanks for the reply.


Yeah, I can completely understand your line of thinking. I play at a very slow pace though, so the remainder I have to play will probably constitute many tens of hours (think I'm 3/4 of the way through main quest - just guessing, still got Dragonborn DLC, civil war and Dark Brotherhood to play). Rather than play these type of games (ES/Fallout) multiple times I tend to opt for one super in-depth/many hours single play-through.


I think I should be OK, provided I uninstall when possible and perform a 'clean save' (even though not completely clean...) before moving the save over - but I expect a couple of my mods might present some subtle/hidden issues.


FYI - it appears to work by simply placing the old saves in the new game's save folder, even without removing any of the mods (of course I get the error popup when loading the save for the first time, alerting me of missing content). The problem is of course that all is unlikely to be well under the bonnet (as mods not disabled/uninstalled first) and at some point errors will, I assume, start popping up. I've no idea how long this takes though and how easy it is to check for issues - some info here would be excellent.


Partly why I asked this Q a good month or so before going ahead with it was to have a test run, i.e. transfer the save and then test it out thoroughly before playing properly (+ as you mention, there's still a wait for SKSE, SkyUI etc.).


Reason why I'm keen to transfer is that the new version just looks a lot better to me and though I have a good ENB running, it's not 100% consistent under all weather conditions (and I've yet to find a single one that is). SE also runs smoother with more detail.


Thanks again!

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I tried to port a old save game to new skyrim. Unlike you I had a stack of mods. Two hundred and twenty or so mods, this included four merged follower mods with about twenty followers in each merge, merged armor and hair mods. I first cleaned the old save by going to qasmoke and following this procedure http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Troubleshooting

I followed the procedure to the point where you remove what mods you want to remove. I at this point gradually at a few mods at a time, saving after each mod removal, removed or deactivated all my mods. Once I had a clean save with no mods I then loaded that save in new skyrim and as close as possible I reloaded the save with the same mods. Problem for me is that there is a lot of mods with and with out Skse that are not ported to Skyrim SE. I could port some of the mods, but as I am not a modder I could not get some to work. And of course at the moment mods that require skse are not viable. So my save game was too unstable in Skyrim SE. You have a small mod list though so it should not be such a issue. Certainly worth a try.

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Thanks for the reply, yeah I think it's worth a shot. Hopefully we'll have SKSE by March/April and not long after mods such as SKYUI, Frostfall etc.


Looking at my list, which mods do you think are most likely to cause problems, and should I remove all of them even if some have SE versions such as the monstrous unofficial patch?


Also, if there are issues (you mention instability with your save) how easy is this to check for and does it become increasingly worse?


Thanks a lot!

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Looking at your mods there should not be any real issues. It is mods that require skse that will leave your save looking for those mods. As for stability that was mostly my fault not converting mods properly, learning though the hard way. If you can get the same mods as you have in old Skyrim in new Skyrim then you are all set. t is easy enough to run your esp`s through creation kit and there is a easy to use nif converter on nexus. DDS files there is nothing yet on Nexus. I use XnConvert.

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