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Jslot troubles


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Hi guys,

I have been trying to fix a problem for two days already so I come to ask for your help. I have also read about 100 topics on this issue.

Jslot files do not appear in the Racemenu presets. I tried f9 to refresh, and nothing. However the nif appear, it is the jslot format the problem.

Thes files are in SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets\. I tried to reinstall Racemenu, check the overwrite file in MO (im using mod organizer) and nothing.

I am desperate, and I do not understand where the problem comes from, so please, help me.


My modlist : http://puu.sh/tQYto/c2b7ae0878.txt

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I don't believe if you are using MO that you should even have a Skyrim/SKSE menu, let alone anything should be in your SKSE folder. You shouldn't even have one. Such files are handled directly through MO. Make sure you installed your SKSE Scripts through MO and not like you would do with NMM. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but if I'm right on target, here is a video series that goes over everything.

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