Jakisthe Posted January 19, 2012 Share Posted January 19, 2012 (edited) Right, so I've heard a lot of complaints about how they took out athletics and acrobatics in this game. While I'm pretty busy and am unfamiliar with making an entire new perk tree...maybe someone will want to? At any rate, here's what I had in mind: First off, the tree itself. Jakisthe's horrible paint skills go!Ugh...wish I had photoshop on this comp..anyway! The perks. *NOTE! Format of perks is as follows: (corresponding #). [(however many ranks it has)]-(Name)-(Description/and it's relevant level changes)-(Skill/levels/needed) 1. [3 ranks]-Run 15% faster, walk 4% faster per level-0/40/802. [3 ranks]-Jump 30% higher per level-0/40/803. [1 rank]-Jump while running-204. [1 rank]-Hold left or right+double tap jump to do a roll on a 90 degree arc in that direction, on the edge of an imaginary 3 meter diameter circle, and still face the same way. IE, a quick circle strafe-405. [2 ranks]-Conditioned-Stamina goes down 75/50% as fast while running-30/506. [1 rank]-Unburdened-Carry weight now corresponds 1-to-1 with stamina. Holds retroactively-507. [2 ranks]-Deft Blocking-Can block with 2 weapons/1 wep+1 spell by pressing middle mouse. Rank 2 allows for 2 spells to also block. More of a deflection than a block, really...-60/708. [1 rank]-Artful-Doubletap a direction to dodge (essentially comparable to a jump in distance) in that direction-309. [1 rank1]-Featherweight-Half fall damage 5010. [2 ranks]-Padfoot-Can jump/sprint across water-70/8011. [1 rank]-Firm Grip-Can attack while falling, jumping, and sprinting, although it stops the sprint-100 What's more, every 2 levels would increase jump height and run speed by 1%(in addition to all other percent multipliers. Multipliers are not cumulative in their multiplication! So a 10% increase to someone moving at 110% already makes them move at 120%, NOT 121%) Heh? Heh? :yes: Since no one really looks at this thread, I'll use it as an out of the way posting for me to remember all my random ideas. Liiiiiiike this idea for a Variable Edge tree! 1. [3 ranks]-Sharpen-Spears and daggers now do +5/15/25% damage-0/40/90 (in addition to relevant one/two handed skills)2. [1 rank]-Charge-Forward power attack with spears does a 2 second run with the spear held in front-303. [1 rank]-Vault-Run and jump with a spear equipped to vault, a jump 3 times as long and twice as high as normal-404. [1 rank]-Iron Grip-Can now wield spears one handed for 45% as much damage but with an 80% attack speed increase-605. [1 rank]-Impale-When wielding a spear with two hands, side power attacks pierce opponents-756. [1 rank]-Throw-Do a back power attack to throw weapon and automatically equip the next most powerful in your inventory. Distance depends on weight and amount of time charged-1007. [2 ranks]-Bypass-Dagger attacks now ignore 33/66% of opponents armor-60/708. [2 ranks]-Slotted Blades-Poisons on daggers now last 2/5 times as long as other weapons (stacks with Poisoner)-20/309. [3 ranks]-Flash-Dagger attack speed is increased by 10/30/50%-40/60/9010. [1 rank]-Infuse-Can now apply up to 3 poisons at once to a weapon-4511. [1 rank]-Waste Not-50% chance to find poison on body of dead enemy hit with that poison-60 Archery Overhaul: First, arrows which actually have inherent effects besides "use the most powerful one, obviously"-Iron: Fires 2 at once, has an automatic 100% chance of recovery.-Steel: A +40% chance of causing a critical hit. -Glass: Arrows can pierce multiple enemies, are drawn in 75% of the time as most other arrows.-Dwarven: Shorter range, but has an inherent 30% chance to stagger.-Elvish: Arrows travel much faster and straighter.-Ebony: Enemies hit with these arrows take 15% more damage from other ebony weapons.-Deadric: Arrows all gain a “banish/fear up to players level/half players level” effect.-Dragon: Highest damage.-Nordic: Arrows all have a 50 dmg health+stamina lost over 10 seconds frost effect. -Falmer: Arrows are drawn twice as fast and the player automatically moves at normal speed with the bow drawn.-Forsworn: Can press “E” when near a flame source light all arrows used till bow is sheathed again on fire.-Orcish: All arrows now have a frenzy effect. There are orcish arrows, right?-Rusty: Causes a random poison/disease effect on the enemy. Which then you apply enchants to, like:-Hollow Arrows: Poisons last 10x as long.-Water Arrows: Deals double damage to fire enemies, puts out flames for better sneaking.-Moss Arrows: When hitting an enemy, deals no damage but entraps them for 5 seconds. When hitting a surface, creates moss for silent movement.-Oil Arrows: Half as much range as normal, but launches a clay ball on the end of the arrows, which breaks and covers enemies/ground with oil.-Lightning Arrows: Deals double damage to automatons, and if used in rainy weather causes a lightning strike on target.-Ice Arrows: 1.5x damage to fire enemies, and can be shot at still bodies of water to create an ice platform for 20 seconds. Doesn’t work with Nordic arrows-Soul Arrow: By combing the arrow with a certain size of soul gem, any enemy hit will have their soul captured when they die. If soul gem isn’t the exact right size, gem remains on enemies corpse.-Cluster Arrow: A very heavy arrow which takes twice as long to draw, but when fired at an angle of 70 degrees of more, breaks into 7 arrows which rain down on an area.-Heartstrike: Arrows have a very slight tracking capacity. And, for fun, some potential extra perks for archery:-Truesight: Shows an ethereal beam tracing out the arrows trajectory.-Windtouched: Hold down block button after firing to go to the view of the arrow, able to slightly change it’s direction as it flies. -Enlightenment: Can now have magic in the left hand while holding a bow.-Roll: Can roll while holding a drawn bow, but costs 1.5x as much stamina as normal-Overdraw: If enemy is within 2 feet of a wall, a max drawn arrow has a 30% chance of sticking them to the wall for 5 seconds.-Nimble Fingers [2 ranks]: Press E with a drawn arrow to load 1/2 more.-Close Call: Getting an arrow within 2/1 ft of the SIDE of the player allows them to "snatch" it out of the air (done automatically and without an animation) to add 2/3 of that arrow to their inventory, as well as slowing time 50% for 1/2 seconds. Bows:In general, bows have a damage modifier, but 70% of the damage comes from the arrows themselves. The primary differences in bows would be draw speed, movement speed while drawn, range, bash damage, zoom percentage, and range. So, while an elven bow might allow for 1.3x movement speed while drawn, 0.8x draw speed, and an additional 25% zoom, the bash damage would be 0.7x normal and it would do less overall damage. On the other hand, a dwarven bow would have -20% zoom, have twice as long a draw time, and 0.9x range, they bash hard and do more overall damage. In general, the REALLY high damage bows would be less specialized, so, say, dragon bow would have 1.1x bash, +5% zoom, etc etc, but they would still be appreciably better than lowered powered ones. Still, there are some bows out there which are simply amazing... Magic Combos: Ideas I have to combine any spell with any other spell from that same school, while getting rid of duplicate spells [fear at lvl 8/16/30!]. Possibly combine spells with ANY other spell, but that's....a ton of spells. I have an excel sheet for the combinations which I'll post when done. Exotic Weapons: A lot of people seem to miss these...but from the old games, being specialized in a weapon didn't do much beyond dealing extra damage. Which is, while a valid improvement, kinda boring. I've narrowed it down to 4 types of weapons for additions, but I am currently in the process of coming up with ideas for how they'd differentiate themselves. The weapons and tree I had in mind are: 0. [3 ranks]-All exotic weapons do 33/66/100% more damage-0/40/80 -Fist weapons: Faster than daggers.1. [3 ranks]-Ringbearer-Wear 2/5/10 rings at once, but cannot use any weapons at all-20/50/1002. [1 rank]-Dragon Punch-A backwards power attack now does the "fus" shout-703. [1 rank]-Paralyzing Palm-Forward power attack has a 50% chance to paralyze non blocking opponents for 5 seconds.-100 -Tonfas: Varying speed!4. [2 ranks]-Armed and Dangerous-Sideways powerattacks switch between quick, dagger like mode and slower, fist like mode. While in fist mode, attacks also have block attribute-305. [1 rank]-Reflex-Doing a backwards power attack spins the blade in front of you, bouncing back arrows and spells-70 -Scythes: Getting a bit heavier, but what can I say. Possibly one of the coolest weapons, even if it never was...well, a weapon. Can't say no! 6. [2 ranks]-Control-Backwards power attack pulls opponent closer/forwards power attack pushes them away-20/407. [1 rank]-Reap-Attacks have a 15% chance of applying soul trap to the enemy for 20 seconds-708. [1 rank]-Power attacks of all types have a +40% to decapitate without an animation-100 -Throwing: A much mentioned style people seem to be missing. Self explanatory! 9. [1 rank]-Bandolier-Press T to throw equipt thowable item. Such items are selected like arrows are. Can also be assigned to a hand to do power attacks with. When thrown from hand, the next least powerful throwable is equipt-3010 [2 ranks]-Ricochet-Thrown items have a 50/100% chance to bounce to another enemy-60/80 I've thought about manyother weapons, as I am familiar with a lot of them, but I reasoned that many would be either too hard to animate (whips), too similar to existing weapons (halbreds), too difficult to implement true to how they are actually used (nunchucks), or all of the above (flails). Economics A particular area of interest to me, since I feel it makes the world incredibly believable...to say nothing of the fact that I do economics/finance work....BUT I'll try to keep it from getting stupid. So no MBSs :laugh: . Mostly, I looked to the bank system of Daggerfall. Each major city has it's own bank, and gold has weight. That's right. Makes sense, since gold is in fact incredibly heavy, but I was planning along the lines of having 500g=1 lb. So not too ridiculous...but you won't be carrying around 20k all the time :P. Right. Back to the banks. Each cities bank exists as a separate entity, so any gold you store there isn't kept in the bank of another city. Keeping money in a bank allows you to 1) store it and2) get interest. I'll keep interest consistent in favor of not getting that aforementioned stupidity, but there would be benchmarks. So at, like, 5k in the bank, you get 1% more a week, 10k 2%, etc. Waiting would have no effect on the time, which means it would have to be tied to real time. You can invest in stores to actually have it do things for you. For every 2k(varies per store) you invest in Bits n Pieces, you get 5% better prices and each week an additional 0.1% to bank interest. You can transfer funds between banks by having them write a credit note for you, which signifies a player defined amount of money to be put in another bank. Is weightless, but can only be used at banks. You can get loans from banks. These loans need to be paid back within a certain amount of time, or else the bank sends bounty hunters after you. The size and level of these hunter parties depends on the loan withstanding. What to do with all that money?A few things...-Houses are 3x more expensive-Can buy individual furnishings like mannequins/racks/display cases-Can hire more than 1 follower, and they each have a price. The formula for this is (average base price of followers)^[1+(0.1*number followers)-0.1]. So you can have an army! But it'll cost you...so if the average cost of your followers is 500g, but you have 6 of them...the cost of the next one will be 11180+their price. This extra cost isn't counted into the average equation. Spouses/housekarls are free, but they don't factor into the average as a 0; they're independent entities.-Bribes are MUCH more universal, and cost 2x as much. But they can do a lot of things, like advancing to the next stage of a quest (for a ton of money and only if it make sense), getting better prices for anything, having someone turn a blind eye, buying keys/drugs off people...-Can buy [incredibly expensive] ships, but only own one at a time. For this service (which only exists on coastal cities, obviously), you can load up all your useless items to be sold elsewhere for their full value...but it takes time to make the trip. Some places might even trade for other goods, but this system would be basic (think the atronach forge where one thing gets another, but this time it shows you what gets what). Costlier ships are faster and have more carrying capacity. -Ships susceptible to wreckage? Obviously you wouldn't see it happen, but you'd get the message "Your ship has sunk!" and a map icon showing where. You'd be able to dive down to salvage gold/goods from a standard sunken ship model.-Can buy ship insurance. Cartography This is an odd one. It wasn't a part of the older games in so strict a fashion, but this is how I'm organizing my ideas for it. Mainly, I wanted to have a sort of...exploration/newness to the world, without the oft-maligned super map/compass we have currently. What does that mean? Well... -No map. At least, it won't look like we know it now...no, I was thinking this would be the map, and areas would be covered up with clouds until you actually went there/heard it described. So you wouldn't know where the mountains are, or the streams, or the towns...possibly the major cities, but you'd have to have someone mark them on your map. -All minor locations (ie, not major cities) would have some indication of what they are. Perhaps the Tomb of [The Headless Horseman] would have his name etched on it...and you'd be able to make a mark on your map that the random collection of stones you found there is, in fact, so and so's Tomb. Maybe a log book for "______ Garrison" for ruined forts, or crude signs for caves, or somesuch. -Quest wouldn't give you directional markers. No, they'd either have a map (like the current treasure maps), they'd offer directions, and/or they'd refer to it by name and you'd have to use the name clues above to figure out if a place is what it's meant to be. -These locational clues ("past Morthal, heading north to the cave with the skeletons around it") would be found in a journal, which would have room for players to type in their own notes. -Using Clairvoyance with an active quest (can only make one active at a time) would do what it currently does at a much heightened cost, but using it without an active would display an N floating in front of the player(to their north, of course), with a different colored "T" for the nearest town/city. -You'd find scrying stones throughout the world which would remove clouds from the area around the stones on the map. Later, there'd be a "scry" spell which, when used, allows the player to automatically mark all structures in the area around the stones. Or a scrying ritual. Something. -Libraries would contain books more descriptive of locations, and have more of those "treasure" style maps. Of course, that's all a MASSIVE undertaking, requiring-at the bare minimum-adding content for every non Radiant quest in the game. I don't even know how radiants would work..but that's why it's a suggestion thread! Stealth 2.0 This is more of combined proposals to various systems, but let's start with the active skills I'd add -Hunt: For 40+30a magicka, the player can "mark" already seen enemies on their radar via hitting them with an unaggroing bolt from the hands. The enemy is marked on your radar until they die or you leave the area. The "a" in the cost modifier is targets already tagged. So 1 tag costs 40, but a second costs 70, a third 100, etc. --Double Casting: Instead of the normal result, for 100 magicka, the player sees all hostiles within 200 ft as red dots on their radar. These dots fade after 10 seconds, but in the meantime only give directions and vague distance measurements from the size of the dots.-Spectral Eye: Channel this spell for 5 magicka a second. Sends out an invisible, hovering spirit ball to sound out an area. Release the spell button to dissipate the ball.--Double Casting: Release the ball to cause an explosion of spectral energy to all targets within a 5' radius, dealing damage equal to [3(I+D)+M]/4, where I=your level in illusion, D=your level in destruction, and M is your total max magicka. General Augmentations:-Players are now seen MUCH if being faced, unless invisible. Light level plays a very large part of this. -Immediately autosaves 3 over most recent saves if player gets a bounty on themselves.-Fire the aforementioned water arrows at fire sources to put them out and decrease light level.-Guards who see an unlit light source will relight it and gain an internal +30 to their own global light sensing for 10 seconds, in addition to their carried torches. This represents their being "careful".-Fire a moss arrow at a surface to make all movement across the surface (about the size of the interior of a small house) make no sound at all for 20 seconds. Only effects movement.-Fire a vine arrow at a wall and interact with wall to move up and down it for around 10' in the vertical. -Can interact with doors to lock them.-NPCs are (V/1000)% likely to put out an V magnitude arrest for the player if they notice items missing from their houses, where V=the value of the object. Over 1000 and it's a 100% chance to notice.-NPCs are now much more likely to have keys or lockpicks on them, which allows them to open locked doors (faster if it's a matching key).-Being seen in a room that the player locked activates the "Leave or I'm calling the guards!" AI prompt until player leaves room. Doing so again and being caught again in that house EVER gets a 20g bounty on the player. Traps: A subsection all it's own!Craftable ones, to start. Brilliancy like deployable traps largely cover it, but they'd have applications beyond direct damage...-caltrops: can waylay caravans and horses to allow for hold-ups.-barricades and boulders: beyond the obvious cover system it offers for long range spells, could also be set aflame to light any arrows that pass through it and deal fire damage to foes struck with it. -bear traps: any foe hit with it is slowed does considerably, and if the player interacts with it again while setting it up, they hammer it into the ground such that any enemy who walks over it is fully immobilized, but able to attack.-Oil trap: This is where things get in interesting. Can be used/placed as normal, but once placed, cast soul trap on the trap and pick it back up. Now can be placed secretly on NPCs and in containers, like those frequently found near beds. Once placed in these end positions, the player can double cast a flame spell and soul trap to channel that fire spell to the oil trap. The more powerful the fire spell used, the greater the explosion. Must be within 300 ft of placed bombs. If seen casting the ST+fire spell combination, you instantly accrue a 1000g fine. Also, if bombing a house, has a 75% chance of guards in the house the next day, 50% the second day, 25% the third, and none on the fourth since the bombing. Being seen by one of these guards gets a 50g penalty and they instantly walk over to you with the "wait...I know you.."Again, credit to ciedeeh for already having such a fully fledged idea for traps in game. Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood changes:-Completing more and more quests for the thieves guild unlocks the following in towns:--1 quest in a hold: opens a fence in the town, who will buy all stolen items.--3 quests: fence now sells lockpicks and counterfeit goods for +1000v objects (they ONLY look like them, a random selection to choose from every time you enter the town).--5 quests: fence now sells water, moss, and vine arrows, where they were previously only craftable--7 quests: Unlocks that "breakout" guy, the one who goes to jail in peoples place. BEFORE the player gets a bounty on themselves, can pay him 1000g to take the fall for next time player would otherwise be sent to jail. Hiring him also has a (100-10T)% chance of him "discovering" a secret way out (unlocking the secret way out iff the player already used it up for that jail), where T=the number of times he's been sent to jail in that hold.-9 quests: Unlocks bribes for guards in hold.-Completing more and more quests for the DB unlocks the following in towns:--2 quests: Unlocks a "dealer" in the town who will buy items at 100% price ONLY if the owner is dead.--4 quests: dealer now sells multi use, high powered poisons which can be mixed with food to poison people.--6 quests: dealer now sells traps--8 quests: dealer now sells the services of an assassin to the player. If the player is bountiless, they can purchase the "Assassins Deed" (hehehehehehe) item from them for 1000g, and the next time a guard confronts the player about a crime, they're stabbed in the back and the player can escape.-10 quests: Once a week per hold, the player can choose to activate "Boethias Overwatch" for the hold. All light sources go out for the night, can't be relit, and guards don't gain the +30 internal light check. What's more, poisons don't run out for the duration of the night spent in the hold, and daggers do 100% additional damage. Vampire v Werewolves TBA >.< Suggestions to all welcome! ..I really get carried away with this kinda stuff... Edited February 18, 2012 by Jakisthe 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greytale Posted January 19, 2012 Share Posted January 19, 2012 I say it's a great idea. I have NO idea why they decided against this being in the game (along with having STR, DEX, INT, etc.). That said, I really don't know what the SPECIFIC best solution would be, tree-wise, perk-wise, etc. -- but it's certainly a needed idea, IMHO. As it is... I've ~already~ modded my own run speed (the default is just ssssooooooooo slllloowwww), and I've also increased jump height, since it was AGONIZING having to go walking around the most menial of areas. That's enough for me personally, but... yeah, athletics & acro could be SO much more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jakisthe Posted January 19, 2012 Author Share Posted January 19, 2012 (edited) It is odd, but I guess that considering the heavier emphasis on players and less on dice roll, I guess kinda makes sense that they'd want agility to show itself through...natural...player...dexterity? I don't know. More could certainly be added though. Edited January 28, 2012 by Jakisthe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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