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How do I change only the skin of my character??? Not all males


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My first try to mod.

I made a nice tattoo for the male character, but now every guy in the game wears it.

Is there a way to make it exclusive for the main character?

I just changed the texture malebody_1.dss in the Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\male folder

I'm also using the "Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles by Chris57 and FavoredSoul" mod.

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Any idea how it could be achieved to use the Face/Warpaint section for a body tattoo?


This is not possible. Warpaint and scars are just additional textures on top of the face and cannot be applied to other parts of the body afaik. With the CK it would be possible to use a mesh that is just above the skin and then make it into an item you can equip, or make a new race for your character with the tattooed textures you already made, The first option might be possible even without the CK, although I'm not totally sure, but someone would still need to make the mesh .


I made a mod like this (face tattoo) for Fallout 3 or NV, can't remember which, just took the default character head model, scaled and moved it up just a little bit in nifskope and added an alpha property. The same could perhaps be done with the body, but I'm not sure how easy hard it is with the current set of tools.

Edited by mazakala
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