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Ultimate Follwer Overhaul.


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This follower overhaul I liked over AFT because it was more lore friendly and simpler to use. While AFT's feature to have followers auto change outfits depending on whether they were at home, in town or out in the Tamriel worldspace was cool, over all it added a lot of choices that really weren't necessary. Like changing a follower's default stats. Ultimate follower Overhaul to me is almost a necessity to play. The original author had it broken down into vanilla, DB, HF and DG but now that SE includes all 3 DLCs I think one combined file would be ideal. Here is a link to the author's Skyrim Nexus mod site


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Something to consider, here, is that UFO has been considered less stable than some of the newer mods, like AFT and EFF (and I suppose now IAFT). Doesn't mean it won't work for you, but it is less likely to find someone willing/able to port it over, assuming the original author's permissions even allow that.


This is an oldrim forum, but it will give you an idea where the multifollower mods line up.



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