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[NSFW] Adult Show Mod fix?


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So, I recently downloaded NMM and it worked like a charm on all of my mods. I also have SkyUI and Script Extenders.


I also recently got Skyrim Adult Show, and it required me Force Animation, which I downloaded. For some reason, it doesn't work as I just faze into people's body's just standing there and moaning and stuff like that (I'm pretty sure as I downloaded everything I needed to activate this mod).


I am sure this is most likely a common problem with people, I was just wondering; is there a fix for this? Should I download another mod just to make this work (if so what link)? Please and thanks. Here's the link;



Edited by heyyoubigby
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Make sure that you have XPMSE and ragdolls and force. make sure that XPMSE is at the bottom of your load order. It sounds like an aligning issue or a missing file. Also, make sure that you have updated your FNIS

I have XP32 Skeleton and realistic ragdolls. FNIS is already updated.

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Make sure that you have XPMSE and ragdolls and force. make sure that XPMSE is at the bottom of your load order. It sounds like an aligning issue or a missing file. Also, make sure that you have updated your FNIS.

Edit; I downloaded XPMSE already and I finally got it to work. That was, until, the animations weren't even going or weren't even activating.


Everything is updated, and now when I select the animations they still won't go for NPC's. I am using the correct ASPX (or whatever it was called) animator for the correct choices of NPCs and it just keep's saying "single animations allowed for player only" even though I do it for myself. When I also set the animation on someone else, they just turn a misty black and don't even go into the animation. The mod doesn't even acknowledge that the NPC was supposed to do something.


These are such silly bugs; more help please. Thanks if anyone can respond.

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I can't say I've experienced that. Make sure though that with whatever mods you're using that you read all instructions. Some NSFW mods aren't compatible with each other and that could be causing your issue, and unfortunately don't provide enough information in conflict to know for sure. One thing I would suggest is make sure that when you run your FNIS, you don't have any errors, and if you do, you follow the instructions on them. Some mods require PCEA2. Also, make sure your skeleton arm fix and gender buttons are clicked.

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