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How can I replace "Boethia´s ebony armor"


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The topic title already describes it: How can Boethias ebony armor be replaced with a moded armor version (In my case this mod: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2738)


The problem is: there seem to be two different kinds of ebony armor´s . The normal Ebony armor (player.additem 13961 1) AND the Ebony Harness (which is the items you get after "boethias calling" daedra quest.


Result: When i replace the files in the data-folder with the modded ones, only the Ebony armor gets replaced NOT the Ebony harness


Any ideas how to find the right files (of the harness) to replace them simply with the modded files????



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get skyedit, it supposely can view the direct path where this ebony armor take place, also i think its ebony mail which you will get after finish boethiah quest


okay i´ll try that with skyedit. thx for the quit reply.


I think you are right that the correct name for the boethia armor is "ebony mail"! but since i´m playing the german version i was only able to translate the itemname as good as possible!!! sry for that!

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