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Easy to do Model - Everyone will Download it! TOP 100 IDEA / request CONTRAPTIONS (Novice Doable)


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I can't believe no one has done this yet, or at least that I can find...


Conveyor Belt Railing: Various pieces of railing for conveyor belts so anything you put on the conveyor belt STAYS on the conveyor belt until it gets where it is going!

There are 4 necessary types I can think of:

Short Rails - For small items, low profile, doesn't overpower the entire aesthetic but provides the reinforcement where needed.

Tall Rails - For larger objects such as Human Meat or... The Human.

Tall Rail with 'Ceiling' - For when you have a lot of large or just really large things on the conveyor belt, if there are momentary jams having a top will prevent everything falling off onto the floor. Height should be more than enough for two bodies.. Actually, you might even just use machinery's average top height as a guide. Have it align.

Wide Tall Rails - I can't think of it right now but I recall having thought of a reason why having a little extra space, just a smidge, beyond the boundary of the conveyor-belt itself where the railing starts WAS useful. Some people may find great use in it.


As it stands it is tedious as heck finding various fences from HomeMaker and using PlaceEverywhere and console commands to precisely align the fences as railing where needed on my conveyor belts. My meat factory is very complicated and this would save me HOURS.


Optional Ideas:

Textured varieties of Glass, "Jail-Cell" like bars, steel box for the rail with ceiling for one variety of it so you can't see what's going on for those who dig that (Perhaps matching the Conveyor Lift's texture.)

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I have a problem with brevity. I tend to ramble and digress and type way too much, as I just did, deleted and restarted in this post. For that reason I was not overly specific about the particular skill level required to model two rectangles touching at a 90 degree, a rectangle, a square and 3 faces of a cube matching predefined lengths and height, width being entirely irrelevant. I shall rephrase:

I, a person whom admits to know very little about modeling, assume that the simple shape, lack of complexity and predefined parameters already existing for its dimensions 'should' be -relatively- simple for someone whom already has experience modeling even a little. I could be wrong, however, how correct I am in the expertise required is irrelevant.



My assumption of required skill aside, I humbly request further replies be constructive, if at least on topic.


*Post Script: Text is emotionless, to answer the variable of tone, I say this apathetically and indifferent. No sardonicism intended. Just killing the digression.

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