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Shadow pop in issue (from nothing to shadow in one step)


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Hi there, yesterday after booting I noticed something I hadn't seen before, now I'm not sure if this is due to mods or something else. I have serious shadow pop in. Now I've read a lot about the issues of the shadow poing in from low res / gray to full dark shadow, but this in't that. I walk and see a building with a balcony withoutr any shadow, one step further the shadow is there, so from none to full in 1 step.


I have a GTX1080 and everything is on Ultra.


Is there any way to fix this? In one of the ini files? (see video)




Edit: I have the new texture pack installed and am on 1.9

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That is "normal". Its called shadow distance and you can't really increase it to a level, where this does not happen, because it will murder your computer otherwise.

Still you can try to increase the shadow distance even higher. Nvidia Shadow Distance Guide

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That is "normal". Its called shadow distance and you can't really increase it to a level, where this does not happen, because it will murder your computer otherwise.

Still you can try to increase the shadow distance even higher. Nvidia Shadow Distance Guide

Strange, i have not noticed this since before yesterday, also, I think the distance is too short, about how far is the drop off from shadow to nothing?


Here is the non-zoomed in video, would you say that is the drop-off point for shadows? (I ask this because I saw shadows pop in on the right side of the screen when walking past a building and that building was not far off)




ps. the shadows on the nvidia distance guide look way further off than in my video?

Edited by SinnerNL
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