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Med-Res Texture Mod based on new HD Texture Pack


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I was wondering if it made sense to create a medium-to-high resolution texture pack from the new HD Texture Pack by Bethesda. I'd appreciate it if there was a high resolution texture pack, but one without requirements as high as the new one.


I'm already using the HD Project Reworked Mod but it's only 160MB in size. Bethesda's new HD Pack is 30GB+ (or 58GB total if I read it correctly). I'm looking for something more in between these two mods without installing tens or hundreds of smaller, individual mods.


The new HD Texture Pack by Bethesda seems like a good starting point for creating a medium-to-high resolution texture pack. Is anyone working on something like this?



Edited by sven257
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The main problem with the new HD textures DLC is, that the textures are mostly 4K, but the actual quality and detail difference to the standard textures are rather minimal (and sometimes they are even worse). Also, they seem to be quite badly optimized, as usual from Bethesda. So no matter what a capable modder could do to those HD-textures, it probably won't make them look much better. But one could optimize them greatly, to reduce filesize/VRAM usage at least. Mabye also add some more sharpness and definition to them. There is already a texture mod which does this to the vanilla textures. So applying the same proces to the HD textures should net some slightly better results.


But no matter what, they will never look as good as properly modded hi-res textures, because the source material just doesn't provide the necessary detail.


Compared to what capable modder texture artists can achieve, those Bethesda HD textures are actually shameful. I am just waiting to see if someone is willing to put in the effort to salvage this mess and produce something actually worthwile installing from it. Maybe some of those DLC textures could be used to complete the already existing HD texture replacements into one big, comprehensive texture overhaul.

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