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Making hot characters/mods question


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I am not quite sure where to put this, so I am sorry if it is in the wrong place.


I got an idea for my next playthrough and I haven't played Skyrim for ages so I booted up Skyrim and was overwhelmed by all the different character creation mods and I tried a few of them but in the end it didn't turn out as I had hoped.


I will be making an Orc male and a Dark Elf gender undecided as of now, then I have always liked the beast races because they look nothing like a human, well except that they have a human shape, though so far I haven't looked into how to make pretty beasts as my Orc and Dark Elf comes first.


I have used a few mods in the past but these where more to aid my gameplay, like quest markers for bareness quest or unofficial patches. So all I could do was grab a few character creation mods here and there and hope it would work as I have no way to know which mods to take. What I am getting to is that I want you to see me as someone who just found out about modding and want to make pretty characters and I am asking if there is any tips/advice or general directions.

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