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Mod for wrong game in wrong nexus page


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Hmm, just what I expected. You see that parameter "selected_game=110"? That's making a distinction between the game site it is shown inside and the actual game the mods of which are shown. 110 is Skyrim, the game site in front is only relevant to the layout anymore when this parameter is given.


See the same mod in Oblivion:



In Morrowind:



In FO3:



Dragon Age:





What happens is the layout gets determined by the game folder inside the url, but due to the actual contents originating from Ajax calls you can of course also load completely unfitting contents into the page. There's nothing preventing an Ajax call from loading a Skyrim mod's contents into the Fallout 4 game's site, as you can see. And it isn't really causing any issues or security leaks etc. besides the visual mix-up of designs and the wrong game site's header section on top.


I know of this layout-switching possibility for quite a long time already by accident, because it's not the first time I see someone post a link with this parameter inside causing this particular situation.

There's nothing wrong with the site and nothing to fix as far as I see, unless of course you got to that url from some defective link or button somewhere else on the site.


So where did you get this mixed up link from, if I may ask?


Most likely suspect is user error when someone posted that link on a page or forum post. People tend to also copy the Ajax parameters every time, although you only need everything up to the first "?" in order to link to a mod's page.

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Well, don't know who it was that made google suggest such a bogus link, but yeah, I know quite in detail how google obtains and evaluates its search results, and let's just say, the system is very open for abuse or errors like this.


Not much that could be done in such case either, unless you can perfectly identify a bogus url from a valid one yourself. At least you know it's not directly an error with the site but only with the url you got.

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