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Problem with Oblivion


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I'm having trouble,When ever i start of Oblivion it seems to freeze on me and it wont let me uninstall it so i can start over. Is there anything i can do to fix it?I know I'm not being very descriptive with this problem i don't know much.All i know is i got a warning say that my computers Low on visual/virtual (I don't now which ones right) Memory i don't know if that has something to do with it but if someone can help I would really appreciate it Thank you
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If you are getting a message that your computer is low on virtual memory(also called page file) , you may be able to increase it - virtual memory is a part of your hard drive that is set aside to use as a swap area. The data in the RAM can be quickly swapped between the virtual and RAM.


To uninstall, use the CD and select the uninstall option there. if that doesn't work, read this for more advanced help uninstalling. http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...p;#entry8103714


Don't make any changes to the registry until after you have backed it up and have set a restore point. a mistake in editing the registry can cause your computer to be un bootable.


To change the virtual memory settings on a XP system, Click on the green start in the lower left corner. select control panel, select System, select Advanced, select Advanced again. You should see a block labeled virtual memory. click on change. Most of the rime, the recommended value will work. But, if you need to change it, 1.5 times to 2 times your actual RAM is usually recommended.


If you are low on Visual memory, that is your video card memory and the only way to increase that is to get a new video card.


If you can post your computer specs it would help us to diagnose your problem. Oblivion is a extremely demanding game and will not run on many older systems.

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