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Always show enemies or Insta-blast spells


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I find it a bit of a shocker while walking through the forests or snow storm to suddenly be confronted by a sabretooth or a troll or a couple of bandits and only have the "red dot"

appear on the compass when they're almost on top of me ...

As a mage I don't want to run across Skyrim with my spells always at the ready ... I want my character with her arms at her sides not ready to always fight.

Because if I don't have them at the rerady there is a bit of crucial time to activate them and then to prime them until they're ready to blast the enemy ... sometimes this time

wasted is a matter of life or death.


So my mod request is this ... reveal all enemies within range on the compass and turn it into a radar compass.


Now I can understand that this might take away the fun and excitement of a sudden surprise attack but then you don't have to use the mod.


OR ...


Create a mod that will cause the spells to activate or blast instantly and not take time to prime up.


Thanks so much for considering this request ... cheers.

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