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Load screen graphics ghosting


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Often in interior areas, whenever there's mist, load screen graphics remain and you can see the outline in the mist. Sometimes it disappears if you alt+tab out of the game and back. I have a rather old GeForce 9600M GS with the newest drivers. I'm not so much looking for a fix but more curious about whether or not someone else has experienced something similar.
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  • 4 months later...
+1 bump. I haven't been able to get it to disappear through alt-tabbing, and it stays even through loading saves (although they were made after it started). this is the first time i've encountered it. it seems that the lighting effects from the background smoke in the loading screen is what i'm seeing. The load screen that this happened to me on was the Labyrinthian one with all the wooden masks in case that helps.
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