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Idea: Fawkes Rebalanced.


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Just a thought, how about a mod that tones down Fawkes immense stats? As it stands, he is easily the most OP follower, or the most OP thing in the game, period. As a follower, hes almost impossible to kill, even on Very Hard. Very little presents any kind of threat to him and once you hit level 30, all the player has to do is let him engage in any fight and the LW just has to clean up afterwards. Sure he steals XP if he gets the kill, but that really doesn't offset the fact he's basically unkillable.


Even if his stats were dialed down 25-50%, by my estimates, he WOULD still be, a very strong follower.



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Just a thought, how about a mod that tones down Fawkes immense stats? As it stands, he is easily the most OP follower, or the most OP thing in the game, period. As a follower, hes almost impossible to kill, even on Very Hard. Very little presents any kind of threat to him and once you hit level 30, all the player has to do is let him engage in any fight and the LW just has to clean up afterwards. Sure he steals XP if he gets the kill, but that really doesn't offset the fact he's basically unkillable.


Even if his stats were dialed down 25-50%, by my estimates, he WOULD still be, a very strong follower.

This ? :


He/ she is a quest..main quest related creature / NPC.


Any alteration of those cause game instability if not our right breakage.


Most of what you posted here is incorrect on a modded game.


He/ she dies if not in the same cell with you, runs out of XP if you do.


IF you pick up another game main quest that requires you to leave this character behind, he/ she should wait at the museum and then Just dies if not



mods, many mods here and there have altered and broken this game doing exactly what you want.


Hire the ghoul or some one else and watch what take place.


there way too much that can go wrong messing with default scripts.

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you want help ? or are you here to troll people?


seriously, mmm, all the fwe's, patches, all mods ever made, Fook2 over hauls, all the issues surrounding changing factions and default creature reactions, and you come back with this?


People here don't have time to waste on troll comments.


Nice try though...Maybe try it on some one not so buried into the game code, might work on a newbie too.


don't bother replying, the bridge if any you once had is gone.

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