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NPC's eyes.

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Ok i am extremely new to the whole modding scene and this glitch could have been brought on by one of the mods i downloaded, i do not know but this is what happens.


All my NPC's in the game have no eyes, there are just see through sockets where the eyes should be! The one acception i have encountered so far is the wild animals such as wolves and horses do have eyes.


It isn't extremely bad just annoying. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Or at least post it in the right forum. As the pinned thread says: This is the site feedback/questions section, not the gaming feedback/questions section.


I don't know if this is a mod issue or something caused by the 1.2 patch (I recall there being something about eyes), but I'm going to guess it's a mod and move this to the mod forum. :)


What mods do you have installed?

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Using more than one mod for eyes and hairstyles causes this glitch and other similar problems: black eyes, no eyes, eyes pointing in wrong/separate directions, "googly eyes," twitching eyes, bald head, white head/face, multi-tone skin, and completely missing head.
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Sorry about the post being in the wrong topic.


The mods i have intsalled to Oblivion are as follow..


Assasin's Blade by Hobbs


Custom Race fix by kynetarse


Eventual's dual weilding


Male body replacer by robert




Rens Beauty Pack by Ren


Ring of Console


Snow Dragon Temple by Ronin


TFF Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, SickleYield


UFF Robert Assasin Armor by Petrovich


Please post which of these you think is causing the problem.

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Whenever mods are combined and re-released it usually means there was a conflict that could only be resolved by remaking them into one mod. So instead of using TFF Fan-Figs and Ren's Beauti, just use the combo mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12110

Also, you should try to use the mod manager, it can show you when mods are going to conflict and it allows you to adjust the order that the mods will load, which can also fix some problems. I don't use it myself, but most people here seem to swear by it. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097

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  • 1 month later...
Whenever mods are combined and re-released it usually means there was a conflict that could only be resolved by remaking them into one mod. So instead of using TFF Fan-Figs and Ren's Beauti, just use the combo mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12110

Also, you should try to use the mod manager, it can show you when mods are going to conflict and it allows you to adjust the order that the mods will load, which can also fix some problems. I don't use it myself, but most people here seem to swear by it. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097

Hi, I'm having a similar problem... everyone's eyes are gone... I'm pretty sure it started when I downloaded Capucines Character Expantion... I tried deleted every file assosiated with this Mod but it hasn't worked... I decided it would be easier to remove every mod and start over, so I unistalled and reinstalled, but the mods were still there, as was the problem... Any advise?

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It sounds like when you uninstalled the game, your Data folder did not get removed. If you're willing to try it again, after you uninstall, go back through the directory and ensure everything got deleted (except your save files if you have any).
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The Oblivion uninstall dosen't really uninstall everything. It leaves behind your Data folder with all of your mods, and any problems there, plus the Save game folder with its problems and the Oblivion.ini file with any problems it has. It also leaves behind some entries in the registry, but I haven't (yet) seen any problems with those, so do not mess with the registry except as a last resort.


I have a tutorial on Reinstalling that shows how to save your mods, saved games and original Oblivion.ini while making a new clean version of Oblivion. If you follow it you will have a fresh install plus a back up fresh install, with all of you mods and saves ready to put back in.


Go here for the tutorial: http://thewormhole.nfshost.com/forum/index...opic,641.0.html


I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

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