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Mod Request: NO PJS!


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I absolutely hate the whole "home base clothing" thing they introduced in DA2; in Origins, you put something on, and it freaking stayed on. Why should you be forced into these ugly f-ing pjs whenever you enter skyhold, or the war room in haven? I've seen a billion mods that replace the pjs, but the core problem remains. Does anyone know if its possible to disable this whole ridiculous game mechanic, this "home base=ugly clothes" requirement? Just pick your clothing and keep it on until you decide to take it off...ah, paradise. Please and thank you!

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I'm not sure if it's possible but I think it's a pity to call them ugly, despite of all the great mods in which the people have invested a lot of work and time. But apart from that, there is also a selection of such replacer mods which allow you to wear armor instead of the pj - like this mods:


http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/834/? by Atherisz


http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/606/? by sirsagrell

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Basic problem, is Meshes can't be added to the game, but the replacer mods, do exactly what you want, in essense, but even then they aren't tintable, or the one I use isn't.

Choose your in game armour, as the replacer you use.


Skyhold Outfit and Formal Attire Replacements by SirSagrell, the second link Barlet89 provided.


Most of us agree, it's not ideal, and getting to Skyhold is still required, but actually, except for the opening armour, and Title screen cutscene, you get to wear the in game armour in Haven.


Simple fact is, modding DAI is very difficult, and it's never been easy, be thankful for what we can get, without the DAI Tools Suite, we wouldn't even have mods.

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