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The shortest fallout game


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I was doing a little web surfing and ultimately came to the shortest horror story ever written. A story that is only thirteen words long. "He sat alone in the dark, afraid. Someone put matches in his hand."


It's the foundation for many many horror stories, the two mot popular variations being "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door..." and "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a lock on the door...". The Fallout universe is perfect for scenarios based on this right down to the ghouls. You're the only person in an area... you have to keep your sanity going... everything you find doesn't explain exactly what happened to the survivors. I don't know if the game can be modded to actually reflect this BUT... maybe if this idea becomes popular enough someone at Bethesda will take notice... Fallout: Wisconsin maybe...

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And lots of melee weapons IMO, nothing more exciting than smacking those ghouls to the face close range! There should be food everywhere too, but no stimpacks because that'll make it too easy. Maybe make a small mod in this that every 15 seconds you have to light matches to see around you, like a hotkey F or something will light a match, and disable that pip-boy light.


Every time it becomes day, all ghouls will disappear and you can move in a derelict city and find supplies, weapons, set traps etc. Then it becomes night fast that last longer than day, and you need just to survive or stay hidden!


... or maybe I went too offtopic.

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pip boy light runs on small energy cells


either new area or edit already given mojave


if the latter either no one else or very few people (the strip is safe but freeside northvegas and westside get breached a lot, legion camps are safe hoover damn is safe so is bos bunker but thats it)


emphasis on melee and unarmed but make some unique versions of early game weapons so there are less super sledges and more combat knives or less ballistic fists and more spiked knuckles


graves have signifigance story and loot


added value to stims and chems (chems are more addictive and harder to find stims harder to find)


integrate realitic lighting mods


if there are any guns spreadout lots of small amounts of different kinds of ammo so not only are they conserving it but also certain kinds for different enemies


if there arent guns dont put in too powerful enemies (especially if youre not including powerful armors) no one not even melee fans should have to go toe to toe with a deathclaw


if not the only person some human companions


if the only person some animal companions (lets take a note from a boy and his dog-or maybe and his gecko)


poisons, make them valuable loot if there arent guns and place there ingrediants about

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