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Any way to view more than one cell in an exterior world (and a bonus question: Importing Heightmaps)?


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Edit: I feel like an idiot. Figured it out my main question, not even a minute after posting.


For anyone looking for the same information, go to File > Preferences > Render Window > Grids to Load. Default is 5.


If memory serves, this used to be done via the GECKCustom.ini -- in fact, I know I've seen a topic on this very issue in either the Nexus Fallout 3 or NV forums. I can't seem to find the GECKCustom.ini for Fallout 4, or at least it's not where I expected it to be (Documents/MyGames/Fallout4). Is it an option in the GECK itself that I'm completely missing?


What I'd like is to be able to see more of the area I'm working on, and not just what is currently editable within the cell I'm in.



Bonus Question: I saw a thread here ... or at least I think it was here, not terribly long ago (Before the GECK was released) (It was from Jan 2012) which detailed instructions on how to import a heightmap that had used real world DEM files provided by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey. Has anyone managed to get that to work yet? In the GECK, under World > Import Heightmap, it offers the following.

Heightmap image needs to be a grayscale (single channel) 32-bit-per-channel floating-point DDS.

I haven't figured out how to convert the files I have into a format the FO4 GECK can use. I'm just curious if someone in the modding community has figured it out, and if so, how. I apologize if my google-fu is terrible, even with search operators. :confused:


EDIT 2: Seems what I found was for Fallout NV. This is why I shouldn't work on things until after 3AM. Would still love to know if anyone has managed this with FO4.


Link for anyone interested. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/517230-tutorial-converting-a-dem-to-a-heightmap/


Thanks in advance.

Edited by NoddingOff
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So long as you have the .raw heightmap files, there's no reason why it shouldn't work. You're probably gonna have to be the pioneer here.


I was hoping you wouldn't say that lol. Converting the 1/3 Arcsecond NEDs to the required DDS is where I'm finding myself stuck. Maybe I'm missing something in VTP ... hmm. I'll probably write up a short primer on the NEDs, the files associated with them, the differences between resolutions and how they're represented etc. in the next few weeks. In the hope that someone may recognize something and point me in the right direction.


Note: Looking again, it seems the DDS requirement is locked at 33x33 pixels as well. Interesting.

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