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Voice Actors needed


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I am working on a mod "Twilight Assassins" and need voice actors for an actor, I need both a female voice actor and a Male one. Please reply with examples in links. (You can use www.filedropper.com to upload, good site) saying these words "We have been betrayed, and I need you to eliminate these rogue assassins. Remember that they are still Twilight Assassins, and are very dangerous."


Thank you in advance


[edit] if it helps give you an idea, you will be voice acting Jhunal and Kyne, a god and goddess of the Nord Pantheon, though they are called Julianos and Kynareth by the Empire

Edited by Ashfyr
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Twilight Assassins are obviously assassins tasked to hunt down Vampires infected with Stephenious Meyerious that make it's infected monogamous and seventeen forever. I assume the speaker was betrayed by his fellow assassins after they beat him with a two-by-four causing him to spout dialogue at a fourth grade level.


It makes sense.

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Angry, they are sending you to kill assassin's in nocturnal's service, a splinter sect of nightingales, at least jhunal is, kyne is more whispering, as she dislikes nocturnal and sees jhunal's anger as a way to eliminate a nuisance I would say. She is more like the icy cold killer, since she is wind, to jhunal's firey temper, if that makes sense?
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Twilight Assassins are obviously assassins tasked to hunt down Vampires infected with Stephenious Meyerious that make it's infected monogamous and seventeen forever. I assume the speaker was betrayed by his fellow assassins after they beat him with a two-by-four causing him to spout dialogue at a fourth grade level.


It makes sense.


Ok, please refrain from making comments that are not really helpful and indeed not even proper critism. This is not revenge from a fellow assassin, instead vengeful gods. I would prefer that this thread not become a flame over proper grammar. Plus, I am using Twilight as it's original meaning, the time between day and night, also known as Dusk and Dawn, and may include Dawn Assassins and Dusk Assassins instead, not quite sure. Anyways, it is not being used in the terms of the movie. Also, I am still creating the scripts, so that line most likely won't be in the final mod, I am just recruiting voice actors prior, so that I may find the mod realized on the release day of the Creation Kit, instead of a month afterwards. Thank you

Edited by Ashfyr
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Actually, I was thinking and this is going to be dusk and dawn assassins, dusk being the female assassins of kyne, dawn being male assassins of jhunal, and both are miffed at being betrayed. The master of those 2 groups will be the twilight assassin, and their armor will be quite a bit better than the dusk or dawn armor. Twilight armor is purple, dawn orange and dusk blueish green. But jhunal is still going to be more angry, while kyne more icy
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Ok, got the lines for both gods ready.


Kyne (female):


You will send my wayward daughters back to my embrace. You will hunt Uvisea, who seeks to raise the ultimate necromancer. Tsabhira, seeking an alchemist's ultimate treasure. Ciene, who joined her vampiric kin in a lair of webs. Ardaru, who slays at a god's beacon, and Rithle, hunting a ghostly rider.


(After quest completion): thank you, my daughters have returned, have my bow and arrows, and slay upon the winds of this land.


Jhunal (male): Mortal, you shall slay my disillusioned followers and send their souls to the abyss. You shall kill Optiok and Shakh, who still the hearts of talking stones, Effe-Tee, who seek refuge in the chilled winds of a dragon's ascent. Escarna, who hides in a Madman's bloody mansion, and finally Ri'Dato, who wishes to summon a dragon in the darkest reaches.


(After quest completion) Here mortal, have the blades of my might.

Edited by Ashfyr
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I have requested a few voice actors a while back, I even had a script fully finished but after a ton of thinking and conversing I came to the conclusion that it is not a good idea to do voice acting work before actually making the mod. When you are creating the mod you will want to change things all the time. What you should do is create your mod with the CK and use dialog boxes and once its finished, beta test it and then add in the voices.
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