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Putting Spell Visual Effect on a Ring


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So, here's the deal. I'm a newbie when it comes to modding and this is my first attempt.


What I'm wondering if I can do is the following:

I want to put a spell effect that usually makes the character glow a golden shimmer (the dawnguard light spell that's a component of Stendarr's Aura) onto a ring in such a way that the ring is the object that's glowing and emitting the light instead of the character wearing the ring.


I already managed to put the light spell itself onto a ring as an enchantment and it makes my character glow and emit light, which is fine. But ideally, I'd like to switch it over onto the ring.


Is there a way to put the effect along it's visuals onto the ring? Or maybe make a custom magic effect/enchantment that uses those effect shaders/art on the ring itself?


Attached images with effect on and off, for clarity:





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I'm not even sure it can be done that way. Try combining the restoration spell inventory orb onto the ring mesh with nifskope. It'll give you the effect you're looking for to some degree. There should be a way to make the ring look like it's glowing through mesh+textures but that's not something I know of.

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