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The Chat room here is worthless


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From the rules section you accept before entering the main chatroom:


Note: this is not a support chat. This is a general chat about anything and everything (within the rules) that our members want to talk about. If you ask troubleshooting questions here don't expect (or demand) an answer. Ask nicely and someone might answer you (if they know the answer) but don't expect an answer and don't continually repeat your question.


Your question would be better asked on the forums.


Highlighted some key points since you obviously failed to read them when you previously entered.

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A concept lost on so many. The chatroom is not there for tech support, mod requests or anything of the like. It's just a place to hang out and - funnily enough - chat with people.


You want tech support? Use the forums. Mod requests? Use the forums.


Want to just chill out for a while and have a talk with a few people, join the chat and relax.

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